Self Harm

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Here's a song for the chapter
Last Words
By: Courtney Parker

~Scenario 1~

You just got home from (Favorite outdoor activity) at your friends house, knowing Sean and Sedrick was at the company managing problems.

You peek into the living room seeing the twins, it was a scene that you didn't want to see.

Laurence was wrapping bandages around Loraine's slit covered wrists, Loraine had an emotionless face with her eyes a dull gray color.

"Don't worry, I won't tell (Big bro/Big Sis/Sissy/Brother)." He said to her, knowing she won't respond.

What do you do??

~Scenario 2~

You and your sister where the only ones at home, you were busy doing (favorite quiet activity).

You suddenly hear crying in Loraine's room so you decided to peek in.

In her hands was a bloody razor, her wrists adored lots of old and newly slits on her wrists. A broken and saddened smile danced her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

What do you do??

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