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I have been cheated on several times by more than one person.

Nothing feels worse than betrayal, nothing hurts more than sharing the person you love with someone else, either physically or emotionally.

It is absolutely devastating, it does nothing but crush you down, sabotage you, and the worst part of it is that all you could do is cry. Either cry or feel absolutely worthless, or both.

Being cheated on effects us mentally, thus physically. It fullfills your soul and mind with horrid emotions. Emotions that could kill you, literally kill you. Not physically, but it kills a part of you forever, that part of you, that happy part of you gets lost and the possibilities of it coming back to your soul, are quite rare. Therefore, a puzzle piece of your soul will be missing, and it will do nothing but ruin you.

When the person you love cheats on you, you begin to doubt yourself, to question your partner's love toward until you make a conclusion -that could be false- that your partner does not love you, anymore.

It makes you feel nothing but worthless, unwanted, unloved. It makes you feel as if you have never been good enough, and never will be. Then you'll start to question if not being good enough had led your loved-one to betray you. That's when you blame everything on yourself, you start to hate yourself, and the world. You, then, you refuge to your own dark world and you refuse to fall in love again.

You begin to lose your self-esteem and become insecure. It makes you self-conscious as you begin to doubt your inner and outer beauty. You start to think that you're hideous, that you're not attractive enough to have someone who'd only look at you.

I have been through all of that, not once, not twice. But numerous times throughout my past relationships. Each one hurt more than the one before it.

If anyone knows best about what it feels like to be cheated on, it would definitely be me. And it was so ridiculous and unbelievable that I did the same shameful thing to Harry. I did the same thing to him, not once, but twice.

And you know, the worst thing about it is when you have to find out about it, rather than hearing a confession from your partner.

That is why I decided to tell Harry about what happened even though I knew it meant that it was going to end our relationship, perhaps for good.

"Mercy." Zach said, as he knocked on my door, interrupting my metaphorically suicidal decisions.

"Go away, please." I said, as I wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry. He can stay here for as long as you want." He said.


I hopped inside my car, driving as fast as possible so I could tell Mercy the news. I have been dying to tell her and hear what she had to say about it.

The news I had were life-changing.

I walked inside the living-room, making my way toward Mercy's room and then I noticed Zach's figure standing in front of Mercy's door and apologizing, repeatedly.

My mind started to think of all the shit he might have done to her, so I would know how hard I should hit him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Uh...Nothing?" He said, avoiding eye-contact with me.

Nothing? Was he fucking serious? Something wrong fucking happened. That prick did something to her, he fucking made her so upset that she locked herself in that shitty room.

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