Chapter 11

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Brad's POV:

My sister was out with Riker, she had grown very close with him, it was a Friday night and I had nothing better to do than watch television, it was raining heavy outside and every so often you hear the crash of thunder, I bet everyone else was out partying but not me, I was sat in the house bored out of my mind, I wanted someone with me to watch Lord of the rings, I keep randomly saying to myself during the film, 'I'm just a Frodo waiting for my samwise', I know that sounds odd but its what I keep saying.

Sara's POV: 

Ross was going back on Sunday but we had decided to meet tomorrow and have a full day of spending time together, we where going to Alton Towers, he had been wanting to go since he got here, to be honest I'm not a big fan of roller coasters, no that's a lie, I hate them, the only one I could live with is the log flume, but the others I just hated, I had a fear of Heights, which was my biggest problem, then there was the thinking that your going to die the whole way round, and then there's the one's that are in the dark, I-HATE-THE-DARK code, there is nothing I hate more than wasps and being in a dark place alone, I know I would be with Ross but its still a dark room, yes I'm 18 years old and scared of the dark, but hey that's what I hate. The storm outside was making me nervous I was alone and the TV kept flickering, I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them the power had gone off, I almost cried, I rummaged around for my phone and eventually found it, everyone was busy, but I thought to myself, Brad had told me earlier on today that he wasn't busy tonight, I scrolled down my contacts, every time I heard the thunder I shit myself, another thing I hate thunder and lightning, 'hey brad', I said as he answered his phone, 'yeah', he replied, 'are you in darkness', I said slightly terrified, 'yeah why', he asked like he was laughing at my scaredness, 'well, I am too and I was wondering if I could come down to yours for a bit', I said looking around me like there was a ghost around, 'are you scared of the dark', he asked, I knew he was laughing at me right now, 'yes Brad now can I come over', I said quickening my sentence, 'yeah sure', he giggled to me down the phone, 'thanks', I said quickly putting the phone down and running outside and locking the door behind me, 'shit no coat', I said just after locking up, I was in a hoody, I just turned and ran, running straight past my car as I had forgotten my car keys, always the case, I ran down the street, turning the only corner until I got to Brad's, I knocked on the door and waited, he opened the door with a torch and his jaw dropped, 'oh my god your soaked, come in', he smiled gesturing for me to come in, 'no shit Sherlock', I said as I walked in, ' do you want to use the shower and do you want some clothes you can borrow some of mine' he said looking me up and down, 'if you don't mind', I said smiling at him, 'right this way then' he smiled walking through the house with me following him, 'there', he said presenting me the bathroom and grabbing me a towel, 'thanks', I smiled at him before walking in, 'I'll get your clothes', he smiled before walking away to his bedroom, I closed the door and turned on the shower, I stripped of my cold wet clothes and got in, the heat piercing my skin as it touched me, I stood there for a moment as I let my body temperature rise, then I heard a knock at the door, 'hey I got you some clothes', Brad said opening the door slightly, 'just put them somewhere away from my wet clothes', I said making it blankly obvious where to put them, I heard the door open then 30 seconds later it close, I continued with my shower for approximately 10 minutes and then I got out drying my hair and body, then putting the clothes Brad had got me on, I mean they where a bit big but that was okay, getting dressed in the dark with only a torch to see is very awkward but I managed it, I'm just thankful the shower isn't electrically run, even though showering in the dark is the scariest thing on earth, I walked out of the bathroom wearing the jumper that was two sizes to big and sweat pants which I was drowned in, actually they wern't that bad, they kept my feet warm, I walked down the stairs with the torch in my hand, I walked into the living room and there was no one there, 'brad', I called quietly because of the fear I had right now, 'ROAR', I turned round and slapped brad in the face, I didn't even mean to it was shock, 'ow that hurt', he said pouting, 'I'm so sorry its just you shit me up', I said slightly smiling, 'its okay', he pouted jokingly, 'come on we've nothing to do so lets sit down and talk', Brad said grabbing my had and walking me over to the sofa, 'so Sara how are you', he said as we both sat down, 'well besides just shitting myself I'm okay', I said as we both giggled, 'how are you', I returned the question to Brad, 'besides being slapped in the face I guess I'm okay', he said as we both giggled again, 'i'm sorry again for that' I apologized again, 'I know', he smiled and we both stared at each other for a minute, 'come here you', Brad said as he grabbed me and started to tickle me, 'Brad stop I'm gunna wee', I said as I laughed hysterically, he continued on for a bit and then stopped pulling me up next to him, 'I'm glad we finally made friends', Brad said smiling at me, 'me too', I replied smiling at him, then we stared into each others eyes for a moment, then he lent in and kissed my lips softly, after about 5 seconds I realized I was doing wrong and pulled back, 'I shouldn't be doing this', I said sitting back and looking at him, he just looked at me, 'I know, I'm sorry', he said looking down and breaking the stare, 'its okay, I'm sorry to', I said trying to make eye contact again, 'come here', I said opening my arms, he hugged me and I hugged him tight, 'wait a minute was I the reason you broke down in tears last weekend', I said wondering if it was, I've always wondered ever since that night, he nodded and looked up at me he smiled slightly and looked down again, 'I had no idea', I said back in deep thought.

Brad's POV: 

I was staring into her eyes and then the next thing I know I'm kissing her, she pulled away, it was an accident I didn't even mean to, 'I'm sorry', was the only fitting answer, she then hugged me tight, she was so nice, so kind, 'come on the electric isn't coming back on so we may as well sleep', I said looking at her, hoping for no weird retaliations, 'okay', she said smiling at me slightly and cuddling up to me, oh how I wish I could do this all the time, she fell asleep cuddled up next to me, then I kissed her forehead and then fell asleep to.

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