Chapter 12

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Sara's POV: 

The next morning in Brad's arms with my head buried in his warm chest, I looked up,  yawned and wiped my eyes, Brad then woke and looked at me wiping his eyes, 'I need to go', I said sitting up and looking at him, 'okay I'll just grab your stuff', he said getting up off the sofa and walking up the stairs to get my wet clothes, I picked up my phone and checked the time I had just enough time to get home and get changed and have some breakfast before Ross picked me up to go to Alton Towers to be honest I would try to delay it, Rocky, Riker and Ratliff where coming along to even though Ross wanted it to be just me and him. Brad walked back downstairs with my wet clothes in a bag, 'here', he smiled holding out the bag, 'thank you', I said taking the bag off him, 'see you soon', Brad called after me as I walked out the door, 'see ya', I replied smiling, I ran home and unlocked the door and ran upstairs pulling out my choice of clothes for the day, the sun was now shinning and the rain was gone, I walked back downstairs to see Charlotte sat watching TV with a packet of crisp in her hand, 'hey', I said walking past her and grabbing another packet of crisp off the side, (This was breakfast) and sitting down next to her, 'hey', she said as I sat down, 'hey Charlotte can I talk to you about something, before I go out with Ross today', I said turning round and crossing my legs, 'yeah sure' she said doing the same thing, 'well the thing is I like Ross, I like Ross a lot but last night when i was at Brad's we kissed I mean it didn't mean to happen but it did but I Don't want Ross to hate me so what do i do', I said not making eye contact, 'do you like Brad?' she asked, 'I dunno', I shrugged, 'you have to choose Sara, Ross or Brad', she said placing her hand on my shoulder, 'well here's the thing do I go with Brad someone who used to bully me and doesn't fill me up or do I go with Ross who already makes me happy and I hold no grudge against what so ever, I know it seems obvious who to choose but i'm confused and I need help', 'well I know I love Brad to bits but it sounds like there's only one choice and that's to go with Ross', Charlotte said looking at me and then looking away, 'thanks Charlotte I really do appreciate the help', I smiled at her and then got up from the sofa and ran upstairs.

When we got to Alton Towers, Ross asked what I would like to go on, but seen as I don't like roller coasters I just6 said the log flume it was the only thing that I could cope with, we all made our way to the log flume and thanks to a long line of people it was half an hour before we got on, but none of us minded we had weird conversations about what we wanted for tea tonight and if we would get pancakes after this ride, finally we got on there was just enough room for us all with Rocky going at the back, then Riker, then Ratliff then finally me and Ross me at the front because I was the smallest and suggested we go on the ride first, so as we went around going down the mini slopes and getting slightly wet, we went into the place with the giant yellow rubber duck which scared the shit out of you when I quacked, as we went in all we heard was, 'QUACK, QUACK', which was hilarious when Riker screamed and we all laughed at him, then we went up the huge hill, 'Ross, I'm scared', I said as I covered my face with my hands, he just laughed, 'calm down, your not gonna die', he said still giggling, then we reached the top and when I looked down, I nearly cried, then we dropped I screamed for shit and they all laughed at me, when we hit the bottom a load of water splashed us, and we all got absolutely soaked, I mean down to the bone, then we reached the beginning again and got off, I rung my hair out and looked at my clothes as everyone else got out to, 'do you wanna go use the drying machine thingys', I said as everyone else joined me back on firm ground, I was shaking and I just looked at everyone, 'I could've died', Riker said staring at me the wet from his hair dripping down his face, 'no you couldn't Riker your as bad as Sara', Ross said giggling, 'yeah Sara lets go use the drying machine things, or whatever', Ross said taking my hand and we walked to the drying machine things, me and Ross shared one, and Riker, Rocky and Ratliff all squeezed into one, 'I'm f-f-freezing', I said as my teeth chattered together, 'you'll warm up soon', Ross said as he hugged me, unfortunately his clothes where just as wet as mine, thankfully it was warm outside and we dried off quicker, I mean we didn't dry off completely, but after 2 minutes we where fairly dry so we got out, 'you know what', Ross said taking his top off, showing his gorgeous abs to the world, 'show off', Ratliff said to him smiling, then Rocky and Riker took their tops off showing their gorgeous bodies to the world, 'okay I don't care what you're doing but I am not taking this top off', Ratliff said gesturing to his top, 'it doesn't matter Ratliff we didn't ask you to', I said smiling at him, 'thank you, by the way this isn't jealousy, its just I'm saving this package for one person', he said smiling at us and still gesturing to his top, 'aww that's cute', I said as Ross took up my hand again, 'I want some pancakes', Ross said looking at me with puppy dog eyes, 'well get some then', I said looking at him not taking on his puppy dog eyes, 'my money is in your bag along with everyone else's', he pointed to my bag, 'oh my god', I said taking his money out of my bag, 'here' I said giving him his wallet, 'we want pancakes to', the rest of them said in unison, 'oh my days', I said going into my bag for everyone else's stuff, 'here you go', I said handing out wallets to the correct owners, they then all trotted off to the pancake stand and got themselves some pancakes, they then all sat down at the table next to me and started stuffing their faces, 'here have a little bit', Ross said handing out some pancake on his mini blue fork, 'if we're going on any big rides I don't wanna throw up', I said looking at the piece of pancake, 'I a sure you, you will not throw up on any rides so have a bit', he said still holding out the piece of pancake, 'fine but if I throw up on you its you fault', I said as he fed me the piece of pancake, 'I'll take full credit', he said smiling, 'so what we going on next', Rocky asked looking at us all, 'I wanna go on Oblivion it looks awesome', Ross said excitedly, 'oh no, no, no, I refuse to go on that', I said looking at them all in fear, 'yeah even coming from me, that ride creeps me out, and I ain't even been on it', Ratliff said looking at  the rest of us, 'well why don't us three go on it and you two go on something you wanna go on and we'll meet back here', Ross said putting some pancake in his mouth, 'yeah you don't mind do you', Ratliff said looking at me, 'no I don't mind', I smiled at him, 'so we'll go on oblivion and you go on whatever you wanna go on', Ross smiled as he finished his pancake and threw his rubbish in the bin behind him, 'so if you guys are done shall we get going', Ross said looking at his two older brothers, they both nodded and stood up and began making their way to Oblivion, 'so what shall we entertain ourselves with', Ratliff smiled looking at the rides and Attractions board, 'oo oo how bout the Congo river rapids', he said excitedly, 'but Ratliff we have just got dry', I smiled at him, 'oh who cares come on', he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction on the ride.

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