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Izzy's pov//

"I recorded all that, that was beautiful."roman said. I turned my head a bit.
"I said that out loud?" I asked.
"Yeah. And im posting the video up. You cant make me take it off" he said. I rolled my eyes.
"Get off me, i want to sleep" i said.
"Sleep like this, it's comfortable" he said.
"You are, im not." I defended.
"Here, put your head on this" roman gave me an emoji pillow. "Fine." I said.


I tried moving my body but someone was holding me. Confused my eyes fluttered open. Roman had his arms around my waist and his head on my back. We were still on the couch.

"Roman, wake up" i said and i laid my hand on his hair. My hand gripped his hair and i pulled at it a bit.
"I told you. I only get to pull your hair" i heard roman say as he started to wake up. I rolled my eyes.
"Get up. I need to shower" i said.
"No, youre comfortable." He said and wrapped his arms around me tighter.
"Come on, let me gooo" i said. I wiggled and moved alot to make it uncomfortable for him.
"Fine, fine" he said letring go. I ran to the bathroom.
"Thank you." I said before closing the door. I did what i needed to do and came out the bathroom all ready.

"You took long" Chelsea sajd as she walked past me to the bathroom.
"Dude, i called the bathroom after" roman said.
"Oh whale!" We heard Chelsea say feom behind the closed bathroom door.
"That top doesn't go with those shorts honey" de la rosa said. My eyebrows knit together.
"Um, well what does?" I asked.
"Are you gay?" Roman asked. De la rosa ignored him. "Here" he handed me his flannel.
"Where this and a black crop top." He said.
"Dude, since when are you a fasion designer??" Roman asked.
"Leave me alone." De la rosah said. I walked to the back and changed into what he said i should.
"See, that looks alot better" de la rosa said. Roman looked at me and smirked.

"Well, i want cereal" i said and went to make my food.
"Make me some?" Roman asked.
"No" i said. I ate my food in front of him and smiled innocently.

"Its 11:28. We need to be there by 1:20" de la rosa said.
"Well, tell Chelsea to hurry up. "I said.
"Ima go see jack. See you losers later" i said and walked out.

"Hey!" I heard someone say. I turned to see who it was and if it was at me.
It was at me. And it sadly had to be a ptv member. "Hey mike" i said faking a smile.
"Hey izzy. Where you headed off to?" He asked.
"Uh, to jacks." I said.
"Oh, i was going to go catering. I thought we could go together." He said.
"Yeah sorry, would love to but i cant cancle on my best friend." I said.
"No, it's fine. Go" he said. I smiled and started walking to the atl bus.

"Jack, you fuck!" I heard.
"What did jack do now?" I asked after entering the bus.
"He ate my burrito" alex said. He looked sad. I opened my arms and he looked like a little kid as he walked to me.
"Jack is a meany." Alex pouted.
"Yes he is" I pouted too as i cuddled alex to me.

"I was hungry! Do you just want me to starve??" Jack defended.
"We had left over pizza!" Alex said. Jack looked like he was about to say something but closed his mouth. He them muttered a whatever and sat on the couch.
"Ill buy you a new one." I told alex. A smile appeared quickly.
"And me?" Jack asked excited.
"Sure. Let's go" i said.
"Youre the best izzy" jack said as he laid an arm around my shoulders as we walked to the closest taco bell.


"So you guys actually made out?" I asked.
"Sadly yes." Alex said.
"What do you mean sadly? I feel offended" jack said.
"Thats cute." I said and smiled at them.
"So de la rosa told me you and Geoff are going on a date" jack said with a smirk.
I blushed. "Im going to beat up that asshat when i get back to my bus. But yeah."
"Its cute. Im happy that youre putting yourself out there." Jack said.
"I think hes been in love with you since we introduced you guys to eachother." Alex said. I smiled.
"How cute. I always found him good looking but until yesterday. Dude im like head over heels for him." I said.
"What happened yesterday?" Jack asked.
"Nothing" i said and pushed my head back so i have a tripple chin. They looked at me weird.
"Well, whatever happened. I hope you used protection." Jack said. My eyez got wide.
"We played mario carts" i cleared.
"Did you use protection?" Jack asked.
"Uh, no?" Confused filled my voice.

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