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"If you could please state your name into the microphone." As he speaks he adjusts the lamp so that the heat of the bulb is inches away, blinding me. I squint my eyes, more irritated than intimidated. Slowly, I lean over to the small black microphone on the table, "Violet Ashbourne."
He nods and sifts through a file, fingers tapping on the metal table between us. He glances at my hands, "I like that nice jewellery of yours."
I do not say anything, nor do I look at the thick metal bands burned into the skin of my wrists.

"You probably don't even feel those handcuffs through those bands, huh?"

I stay silent.

"Miss Ashburne, could you please explain to me why you were out so late?" He asks leaning back in his chair. I stare directly into his eyes, "I was going to the grocer's-"

"Into the microphone, Miss Ashbourne."
I clear my throat and speak louder into the microphone, "I was going to the grocer's to pick up some things."
"The grocer's?" He asks unconvinced.
I nod.
"At 3:00 A.M in the morning?"
I nod again.
"Tell me, what were you picking up?"
"Skimmed Milk."
"It couldn't have waited until morning?"
"It was morning," I smirk.
His mouth opens briefly, but he decides against speaking. Again, he looks down at the file, that I knew had extremely vague information about me, and starts to play with his pen. He inhales sharply through his nose, "What I am still pondering is how your little trip to the grocer's turned into a bloodbath."
I shift my eyes to the side.
"So, Miss Violet Ashburne, let's stop with the mind tricks." His voice rises and the palms of his hands come crashing onto the table as he gets up, sending his chair to the floor with a loud bang, "What happened that night?!"
"Officer Bradshaw, that is enough!" A woman's voice peels from the tables vibration. We both look over to see a woman dressed in a pastel purple button-up, tucked into a sleek black pencil skirt. She is calm, yet her eyes bleed with anger and justice. Her hair is chestnut brown, curls laying over the sides of her breasts as she stood tall and prominent. She takes a step toward the table, her heels clicking on the hard tile floor.
"Who are you?" Officer Bradshaw questions with a lack of respect.
"I am Miss Ashburne's lawyer."
"Lawyer? She never called for a lawyer."
"She doesn't need to Officer, she is a minor which means you have no right speaking to her without another adult present."
"She's still a suspect."
"She is a witness. Not a suspect, your chief of command made it clear that if you had not gained a reasonable amount of evidence that linked her to the crime in 24 hours she was to be released."
Suddenly another man enters the mirrored room, round and hefty with a mustache holding bits of crumbs between its strands. "We have to let her go, Bradshaw." he says, giving me a nasty look. "Sir, I just need 12 more hours. If you could just-"

"Not if she is a minor." The woman speaks up.

"Her parents haven't claimed her."

"I am here for that reason. We all know that if you couldn't find out anything connecting to the case in 24 hours that you couldn't find out anymore in 12."

I can't help but snicker to myself and move my face away to hide it.

Bradshaw's neck spins back to me, "After I find the answers I'm coming after you."

I smile as I am lifted up by the chief and unlocked from my handcuffs. Bradshaw's eyes never leave me as I am escorted out of the police station. As my lawyer and I walk through the desks I lean over in a hushed whisper, "They booked me."

She answers calmly, "It has been handled."


Once outside I rub the metal braces on my wrists as the woman guides me to a black taxi parked in front of the police station. She opens the door for me and sits at my side. As the driver starts the cab I hear a muffled scream, "STOP!"  We all turn and see Bradshaw running out of the police station doors.

Know It All: An Xmen Evolution FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora