< X02 >

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He takes a moment and drinks his own tea. "It is an extreme risk having you here. A girl with no powers, but yet has complete control over all of us here. And then there is the issue of how you found us and how you know all about each of my students and myself."
"I'm a girl of many talents." I simply state.
"It appears so, but to the matter at hand if the wrong person were to get their hands on your technology," He points at my wrists, "We could be looking at a catastrophic event for mutants all over the world."
Somehow I feel like he is talking to himself more then he is to me. I watch as his eyes begin to wander into the ripples of his tea; strangely his stern look reminds me of my own father- well Dominic to me now. I swallow hard, trying to deal with the situation step by step without melting into a pool of tears. I bring the cup to my lips in the hope the scorching water will shock my composure back into place.

Charles Xavier's eyes flick to mine, "But if you were to stay here...."
I choke slightly on my tea, "I beg your pardon?"
"Hear me out." He offers. "If you stay here in my school perhaps we can both achieve what we desire. I have a student here by the name of Forge, he may be able to put a dent into those bracelets of yours."
"I hope you mean figuratively, I have to admit chopping my hands off are at the end of my list of attempts." I sarcastically laugh.
He joins me in a laugh, "I must request that you limit your time around the students, at least when they are in training sessions."
"Of course. Funny, I have a request of my own."
"I have a... business, all handled online. As long as I have access to it from here I will comply with your rules and stay locked up here. As long as you do all you can to get these damn things off me, of course."

He ponders for a moment.

"Alright Miss, Ashbourne." he sticks out his hand for mine, "You've got a deal, welcome to the X-men."

"Woah, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I didn't even bring a resume."

He chuckles lightly and rests back in his wheelchair, "But I must ask, what is this business of yours? I must know if my students will be safe."

"I completely understand your caution and if you must know I am a hacker. I work within channels, gathering information; a keeper of secrets if you will. "

"Earlier... you said you're 16?"

"And you're the most powerful mutant of all?" I chuckle before continuing, "I have a Ph.D. in programming; my age is simply a means of a host. Point is, what I do is dangerous, but I am very careful in how I handle my network and will ensure that your students will not suffer the consequences of my business."

Xavier nods and begins to wheel away, signaling me to follow. We begin to walk into the foyer and towards the elevator, "You'll be able to set up in the commutations room down in the second sub-basement."

We step into the elevator and I feel my arm pulled gently as he examines the metal, "it is extraordinary."

"It is a means to an end," I state and walk out as soon as the doors open again.

Once down in the basement, Xavier guides me through the silver halls with doors lined with Xs. I felt an urge to discover every room, but withstood the temptation as we are greeted by a young man dressed in a sweater vest and slacks, "hey professor," He stares at me with bubbly eyes for a moment, "uh-."

"I hope you don't mind, Forge, but Violet will be setting up her station down here with you."

"Wait, what? I- hi- no offense, but this place is cramped enough as it is," he protests, trying to get in front of the professor as he wheels in front of a large circled projector in the center of the room. Behind are several monitors, a walkway with a railing and an empty room just to the left of it. "Professor, I just got these monitors installed and ready so-"

Know It All: An Xmen Evolution FanficWhere stories live. Discover now