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The cushions squeak as I toss and turn on the medical bed. My clothes feel warm as I continuously straighten them out, my shaking foot wrinkling them after every time. "Rest your arms above your head, please," Forge asks as he gently guides them, giving them a small squeeze once they are in place. "And try not to move." He places a steady hand on my leg. I try to distract myself by glancing around the room, the blue-tile illudes into vibration as the machine rumbles, powering up. I look up as Forge walks to the thin, circular x-ray machine towering over me. I've always hated anything associated with hospice settings; makes me feel like someone knows something before I can. "I'm only going to move your wrists across, okay?" he reassures me. The bed jolts into a steady backward motion stopping just after my fingertips are completely passed the machine. "Make sure you don't move."

The whirling noises of the mechanism fill the nearly empty, spotless room; only a simple desk and the x-ray machine offer me comfort to the unknowing results. Silence follows the rumbling of the machine as it shuts down and my body starts to ich, but I stay still. "Huh." Forge mumbles.

"What is it? Can I move?" I ask leaning pointlessly towards him.

"Not yet."

He says nothing more. The smell of my deodorant and the tingles in my armpits cause me to look back and forth from Forge to the x-ray machine. Forge rubs his chin and furrows his brows. "Are you going to tell me or what?" I ask loosening my muscles.

"It's not picking up anything."

"What do you mean?" I jump out of the medical bed and to the monitor with the captured pictures. Forge points at one of them, "See that? Those are your normal hand bones." He trails passed the large gap, "and those are your normal arm bones." He draws a circle in the middle with his fingers, "these empty gaps are your wrists."


"Well, considering that this specific machine can scan through metals, stones, you name it, it means one of two things. One, your flesh isn't completely attached to the bands, otherwise, it would show it inter-webbed into bones. Which is good and we just need to figure out a way to unclip them."

"And the other?"

Forge lets out a sigh, "Or the bands are just not allowing the x-ray to show passed them. Meaning that- "

"That cutting my hands off isn't completely off the table."

"Yeah. I might be able to tinker a bit with the x-ray, maybe get it to show us a little more. It's pretty state of the art but I could hook up a calibrated-"

"How long will it take?"

"About a week or two."

"A week?!"

"...or two."

My jaw clenches involuntarily, "And that's the best you can do?"

"Well if I could use my powers- you know the ones you hate so much-I could be a lot quicker, Your Highness!"

I flinch as he associates me with 'hate' and I quickly straighten my posture, "Get it done. I expect results by the end of the day."

He scoffs as I return to my station.


"I hope Kurt's okay." I hear Kitty mutter.

I enter the kitchen and see Kitty and Scott sharing a conversation. "Hey, Violet." Scott greats.

"Hey, is something wrong with Kurt?" I ask in a hardened voice, with more force than needed. "Tabetha and Kurt were messing around during rescue training on the cliff and Kurt ended up hitting his head and taking a dive," Scott explains, "Logan jumped in after him and he was NOT happy."

Know It All: An Xmen Evolution FanficWhere stories live. Discover now