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The bus's small window fits the picturesque landscape of overlapping trees and emerald groves. The tranquil squirrels and deer drift carefully along the thick branches and bubbly bushes. Evan's pointing finger drags everyone to shoot to the windows, a breath of relaxation washing over us once our eyes meet the mirroring water of the river running through jagged, copper rocks. "It's beautiful." Kitty sighs.
"Yeah," I answer so quietly as if part of me was too proud to admit it.
The bus swerves gently around the path until we reach an opened dirt entrance with four cabins surrounding it. A low chime comes from my phone informing me of my lack of service. Luckily, I packed a hotspot box, but part of me still felt anxious about not having access to my files. I feel... vulnerable, more than usual.
A sudden stop jolts me forward, signaling the others to get up. I am the last to step out and fall into the line formed at the side of the bus. 

A grizzly man walks in front of the long line of students, "You will be taking 20-mile hikes, rappelling 200-foot cliffs and crossing treacherous water with no more than a rope and all the courage you can muster! Do you read me?!"

"Yes, Sergeant Hawk!" the students yell out.

"I said do you read me?!"


"Scott sumner!"

"Summers, Sir."

"Well, Summers-"

 I tap along my phone, trying to tune out all the yelling until I feel an elbow jab me. Evan looks down at my phone and quickly to the side, warning signs in his eyes. I follow his eyes to the grizzly man who is staring at me with rage. 

"It was clear that there are to be NO electronics allowed." he towers over me, the shade from his hat cooling me down. 

"Oh no, no. I'm not with them." I smile pointing at the others.

 "Oh, so you're with the other team?" Sergeant Hawk asks.

"Other team?" I glance over and see the brotherhood composed of Lance, Pietro, Todd and bob all looking as pathetic as the files I have on them.

I snort, "No, absolutely not with them."

Sergeant Hawk snatches my phone. "In that case, Xavier didn't mention anything about the Queen of England coming, so you are to fall in line like everyone else!" his spit lands on my face as he turns, my phone locked in his grip. "Oh okay, you just hold on to that one then!" I groan with a fake smile. I kneel and unhook the second phone from the side of my boot.

"As I was saying . Because of Scott Summer's scholastic achievements at Baville high, he will be your team leader. " Sergeant Hawk stares at me again, wide-eyed as I tap along my backup phone. "Did you not hear a thing I just said?!" He gets in my face again.

"Sir, I'm sure Charles Xavier sent you an email about my the extent of my 'involvement'. You can even use my phone to check! I promise you that I'm not involved in all," I flay my hand around, "This."

Sergeant Hawk raises his brow, the lines around his mouth weighing down. 

"I mean this place is quaint, with all your dirt," I shift my foot, accidentally sprinkling some onto his boots, "and uh... you." 

He yanks the second phone from me, "If I see another phone come out of god knows where your entire team is doing 500 sit-ups. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

My brows narrow and I wipe the spit from my bare shoulder, "Transparently." 

"You have 10 minutes to stow your gear in your cabins! Go, go, go!" 

Know It All: An Xmen Evolution FanficWhere stories live. Discover now