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  Hunching over Forge's workbench, I gently place the wires between each other. The baton was now nicely polished and the newly attached, shiny red button made me feel safer already.  I place the tweezers down gently, still in slow motion so to not harm my new prototype. Setting it down, I glance at the other two things I tinkered with. My watch, once recovering scrap metal that was shattered from my encounter with Pietro, is now improved with wireless communication linking capability, an electronic overload capable of blacking out an entire street block, and preset orders to my favorite Chinese delivery joint. 

The last gadget is not complete. It was an old Rubix cube, but with enough wires and an- illegal- AI program I was able to make it into a small command drone. High pitch chimes and digitalized chirps come from the Rubix cube as it tries to float on its own. 

"Easy, your not ready for a flight test just yet." I catch it in my hands and smile as the small light that mimicked an eye movement stared up at me. 

"I think I'll call you, DOD; Drone of Defence. What do you think?"

It hums.

"Oh yeah, voice diagnostics aren't done. Sorry."

DOD beeps and directs its glowing eye to the door.

"Yeah, I just need to grab something from my workbench." Forge barges in and is shocked by my presence. 

"Oh, you're still here." He glances towards my room, "Did you even sleep last night?"

"Night?" I looked at the time on my watch, 5 am, amazed that I hadn't registered the hours pass me by. "I guess I was on a roll." 

"Well, I see you made use of that old baton. What does the red button do?" 

"Want to find out?" I grin, reaching over and putting on a pair of safety glasses, "I haven't tested it out yet, so be prepared for sparks. Literally." before Forge can take any procautions I press the red button lightly, igniting the white electric current wrapping around the metal baton. 

"Woah!" A new voice comes in. 

I switch it off and notice that Kurt is standing behind us, awestricken by the electric baton.

"You have a knack for this kind of thing." Forge smiles. 

"My other creation isn't quite ready yet though." I rub one of DOD's Rubix squares with my finger.

 "You're kidding, you made a drone?" Forge looks at DOD closely.

"That is so cool!" Kurt smiles, adjusting his odd-looking helmet.

"I can't say the same about that getup, what are you wearing?" I look over the panel box strapped to his chest with a datapad and the bike looking helmet. 

"I've been working on a device to help Kurt slow down his teleporting speed so that we can see just where he goes. That brimstone dust has to come from somewhere, right?" Forge explains.

"Ja, and maybe we can figure out a way to make me teleport faster and farther."

"That's incredible."

"We are going to do a demonstration once everyone wakes up if you're interested."

"I'd like that," I look at Kurt, "Did you install any safety precautions?"

"No why?" Forge asks, rummaging through his workbench.

I glare at him, "because we have no idea what Kurt will run into if there is another place he transports to." 

"He will have Logan with him."

"Oh yes, and Logan is a great help. I'm sure he will throw him extra carefully at enemies."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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