Entry 5

11 1 0

August 22, 2017

For those of you reading this, thank you and I apologize for not updating if by any small chance you were looking up to that.

I haven't really written anything, not even poetry, because there's so many things going on and thoughts that are a pain to put down.

You know those thoughts you can't think for more than half a minute at a time in fear of breaking down or having an anxiety attack or running away until you can't breathe and then fall in a ditch and break your spinal cord as well as every other crucial part of your body needed to ever make a difference unlike how society depicts otherwise and so falsely advertises?

Those are the types of things that keep me up at night and make my breath hitch in dead silence while taking benchmark tests since school started last week and already bullies have come at it but like why the heck do you have to purposefully exhaust yourself just to extend the extent of some poor being's misery.

yea ima stop there


Lost Forever In A World Of My OwnDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora