Entry 10

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September 11, 2017
The fucking.

My eldest sibling disappeared an hour and a half ago in the shower and hasn't come out. The water's still running.

The boys are on one TV each, as they have been for the past six hours. I need them to study before my parents get home. The volume is turned up to the max.

My mother is in the ER due to extreme amounts of pain for whatever reason.

The baby's diaper exploded- she needs a shower but it's occupied at the moment, she's hungry and sleepy and screaming at the top of her lungs.

I have a splitting headache and I'll have the baby tonight.

My father is out- volunteering or with his friends or at the cafe- I really don't care all I know is that he's not here.

Yesterday I was with my mother all day, awoken by my father at eight to take care of her. Then he left while my siblings slept in.
My mother was in extreme pain and my father was out and not answering any calls or text messages, even after I threatened to call 911 and make a scene.
My mom drove us two to the ER and after getting admitted, about an hour after the text messages ceased, my father finally went home.
I was starving all day- the cafe was closed and I didn't bring any food as I was short on time.
At around nine my dad showed up with three containers of soup and my siblings. I wanted to sleep then and there at the hospital but my parents insisted on me going home.
I was yelled at by my siblings and father to silence the baby in the car. Not my fault she hates the dark.
We went home and then my dad left. Again.
My siblings went to their devices or holed themselves up in their rooms until around eleven, when my father and mother came home.
They were up until one -ish studying and getting yelled at for not studying and shushing the baby.
And they ask me why I never get any sleep at night.

I woke up this morning at eight, just in time to see my father leave- no surprise there. I did homework for as long as I could, hovering over the TV to make my siblings do stuff. They just went on the other devices. Go figure.
My mom was still in pain, so after breakfast, my aunt drove her to the ER and she's been there ever since. And my dad still hasn't come home. My other aunt just dropped of cultural food that I'm not eating, and now everyone is watching Pokémon in the living room while I'm in my room, on the verge of passing out in exhaustion.
My mom tells me she still hasn't been admitted. That sucks.

Life sucks.

And/ but I've made my choice

Well shit. They just announced there's no school tomorrow. Kill me now.

I need more coffee.

Raven out

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