Wake Up!

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Laurent: *He softly shoves Larry to waken him from his sleep*. Larry....  *No answer*. Larry!  *Larry groans*

Larry: What now Laurent?  I was dreaming bro....bout Jlo.  She was callin me Papi....

Laurent: *He quickly places a hand over his brother's mouth and covers it as Larry now whimpers scared*. Shusshhh..... I think someone broke into the apartment....  *Laurent spoke quietly*

Larry:  *His eyes widened.  Larry could feel Laurent's hand shaking.  Larry's heart stopped when he heard the sound of a glass bowel hit the floor and shatter.*. Laurent....what do we do?

Laurent:  *His heart beat picked up quickly as he could hear loud footsteps making their way down the hall.  There was more than one person in the apartment*. Larry....listen to me... go hide in the closet and no matter what you hear...don't come out.

Larry: But Laurent....

Laurent: Don't come out Larry!  Now go quickly.  *Laurent got up and grabbed a led pipe from under the bed as Larry, nearly in tears, hurried to the closet and got inside obeying his brother's wishes.  Laurent turned to look at Larry not knowing it would be his last chance to see his brother.*. Larry?

Larry: *His voice shakes and cracks*. Yea?

Laurent: I love you bro....

Larry: *He let a tear slide out of one eye and down his face*. Je t'aime aussi (I love you too in French) *Larry quickly closed the closet doors and listened as the footsteps stopped at the Bedroom door.  All went silent to the point where Larry could hear his own heart beat.*

Laurent: *Laurent stood with a blood thirsty gaze in his eyes as he gripped the led pipe tightly in his hands*. Tu t'entres avec mon frère, tu me gêne (You mess with my brother, you mess with me).  You bastards messed with the wrong Twins.......

Two men kicked open the door and rushed into the room.  Laurent was quick to slam the led pipe down on the first ones head causing him to fall as a bit of blood trickled from where the pipe struck.  The other turned around and threw a punch.  However Laurent was quick to duck out of the way of the man's fist and kicked the man in the gut causing him to fall over onto his back gasping for air.  Laurent held up the pipe ready to strike that man when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his head followed by dizziness.  Laurent stumbled for a moment before landing on the floor falling in and out of unconsciousness.

Laurent could hear his brother's desperate cries as 3 more men entered the room and snatched Larry out of the closet.  He could hear Larry screaming his name and the men just laughing at him.

Laurent: *Softly spoken* Larry.....my brother....I will find you.....je te trouverai......je te trouverai.....(I will find you)

All faded away till there was nothing.....nothing but silence and darkness.

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