I Said I'd Let You Live....

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The gun shots rang out loud and clear, echoing through the dense forest and out into the city Laurent abandoned to find his brother. Groups of birds exited the trees squeaking in horror as they flew off to escape any danger. Any animal even if they were miles away took cover from the sound.

Regi, still giving Laurent and Larry a most eerie smile, looked down to see his white shirt begin changing color with his blood. He chuckled as he fell onto his knees only to look up and see both Larry and Laurent were unharmed. The look of the devil once again appeared in Regi's eyes as he frowned.

Regi: No no.....this won't do. This....isn't how the game...ends. *A trickle of blood crept out of the corner of Regi's mouth as he growled*

Larry: *Set his eyes on Regi as Laurent patted him on the arm and began to walk back to the car expecting his brother to follow*. What do you mean this isn't how the game ends? *Larry asked in a terrified tone.*

Regi: *Smirks and answers with a low voice*. I told you.....if you made it to your brother....without getting shot...I'd let you live. *Regi smiled and pointed his gun taking in a deep breath and letting out one.....last laugh.*.


Larry had closed his eyes when he saw Regi pointing the gun. When the shot rang out, Larry felt the shot as if he had been hit. When he opened his eyes, he then realized the game was over. Regi had fallen back, finally dead.

Larry: GO TO HELL.

Larry turned around only to freeze. The world around him froze. At this moment, Larry couldn't hear, couldn't move and couldn't cry out.....

All he saw, was his brother, Laurent, with his back arched, and blood dripping down the back of his shirt. Positioned in a pose of agony and shock. Larry ran to his brother and caught him in his arms sitting down so that his brother laid across his lap. Tears streamed like a river down Larry's face, soaking his shirt. Life was leaving Laurent's body quickly. Larry had minuets before his brother would be gone.

Laurent, in all his pain, smiled softly at his brother.

Laurent: Hey....you not suppose to cry.....you...suppose to be strong..... *Laurent tried to tease.*

Larry: *Looked down at his brother as his whole body shook*. You....you can't leave me Lau....it's not your time. There's so much more for us to do....

Laurent: *He kept a soft, warm and loving smile on his face*. Your safe.....that's all I wanted....for you to be safe. To be able to go home.....LiLo needs her dad... *Laurent coughed as he struggled to maintain the smile he had. The pain shot up his spine as tears began to fill his eyes too. He was scared. He didn't want Larry to see it, but he was so scared*

Larry: *He could see the look in Laurent's eyes. He could see the pain and the fear. The love and the sorrow. Larry looked down at his pants to see that they were covered in blood. He closed his eyes wishing none of this was true. That none if it had happened*. I wish.......

Laurent: You wish....?

Larry: I wish this had never happened to us.....to you. If I could take all you are feeling right now away. If I could have taken that shot instead of you....

Laurent: *Takes his brother's hand in his*. You listen to me.....you are gonna live. You are gonna be happy. Your gonna kick ass still at dancing. I know you know there ain't no one better than my brother out there! *Laurent clutched Larry's hand tightly as Larry held on right back*. You live.....Larry....vous vivez pour moi (You live for me)

Larry: *Heart sank as he placed his shaking hand on Laurent's cheek and kissed his brother's forehead softly*. Comme tu veux... (As you wish) brother.....

Laurent reached up with all his strength wrapping his arms around his brother in the strongest, last hug he could give. Larry held back gripping Laurent's twists with one hand and his other hand around Laurent's waist. There was so much more.....so much more they could've done.....would've done. No soul on earth would have expected Les Twins to end like this.

Laurent: *Softly spoke into his brother's ear.* Je t'aime Larry...(I love you Larry)

Larry: *In a shaky and crackly voice* je t'aime Aussie Laurent... (I love you too Laurent)

Laurent smiled. In all the agony and sorrow, he was at peace knowing his brother was alive. Laurent closed his eyes as a tear slid down his cheek and onto his brother's shoulder. As he began to go, he didn't feel cold for he was safe and warm in Larry's arms. "I don't feel anymore pain Larry." Laurent said to his brother oh so quietly as he began to feel the energy leaving him.

Larry listened to Laurent's breathing as it slowed and got slower. Each exhale lasted a bit longer than the last. He felt Laurent's hands slide down his back weakly and limply. Finally, Laurent let out his last long breath and went completely limp in Larry's arms. Larry didn't know what to do, what to say, whether to stay or go. So he simply held onto his brother's body and rocked back and fourth as he cried.

Larry: Au revoir.....mon frère

(Goodbye....my Brother)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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