How do we fall in love? (SherlockxReader/not? Idek, maybe MoriartyxReader?)

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Sherlock's heart sped so fast, he could hear the fear coursing through his veins. A screeching so loud, he swore everyone within a four kilometer radius could hear. The words repeated over and over, what appeared to be a simple little comment on his blog became an omen of everything that could've possibly gone wrong.

Lovely girl you've got,
But can she stand her own flames?
Fires can be dangerous...

He'd replied eight times over, attempting to get more clues. His head was spinning, trying to solve the clue at the bottom of the recent picture of you and him. Something John had posted on Sherlock's blog in his place, and it may've given you you away to Moriarty.
The name sent chills down his spine. What used to be a fun challenge had turned into his own personal hell.
And now the devil had the woman who mattered most to him, and all the clues in the world couldn't help him, because his mind refused to process. John, Mycroft, Lestrade- everyone was trying to help, but to no true avail. Moriarty still had you...
Then a call came in- no, less of a call, more of a clue, one so simple, even George could figure it out. But before anyone else could evaluate it, Sherlock had sneaked off, hurrying to the same place he'd faced the Black Lotus General- only to be met with another clue, this time leading to an abandoned flat on the outskirts of London.
He huffed as he climbed the stairs, feeling like his lungs may burst at any moment from the over use, but he could still see the image of your glittering eyes burned into his mind.

Jim tilted your head towards him as you both waited, away from the window that you could see your "knight in shining armor" come to "rescue you". His thumb grazed along your jaw, lifting until his eyes burned into yours.
"Problem, my little desert rose?" He purred, eyes dead save for a twinkle of insanity, and a smirk so dangerous it could kill you without a touch.
"None, sir." You answered appropriately, but the way he grabbed your wrist immediately told you that your little lie hadn't gone unnoticed. Your eyes snapped shut at the immediate, but bearable pain. Despite his cold exterior, you both knew Jim would never actually hurt you, but his threats were never to be taken lightly.
Just because he wouldn't hurt you, didn't mean he wouldn't leave you for the dogs...
"I just- is it necessary that I be here, sir?" You kept it polite as possible, allowing your eyes to open again, being met with a quizzical stare. That's right, you thought, he doesn't understand complex emotions... You stared back, trying to hide what you could behind a blank mask. From this short distance, you could feel his breath fanning over your lips, like it'd done many times before. Though, usually, it came with a sleepless night, and marks left for the next day, claiming what was his.
"Remind me, pet," Great, now he was upset, "Why're we here?" He took a step forward despite there being no room, forcing you to move back, and repeatedly did so, until your back hit the wall of your old flat.
"To bring down Sherlock Holmes." You muttered shakily, feeling very contrasting emotions from his close proximity, the combination making you dizzy and nauseous. Your hand hit the wall with a gathered force of his anger and something underlying that wasn't quite as clear.
"Now, wouldn't we want him to see his little sweet, sweet love betraying him, pet?" He hissed out each word, face inches from yours as his plan repeated in your head.
"I put you onto the playing field to make Sherlock Holmes fall for the girl of his dreams- not the other way around." Your breath hitched in your throat, head shaking as much as possible. You didn't know what you felt for Sherlock, or perhaps it was simply nothing, and you just felt the need to protect the one person who'd ever cared for you- but you definitely would overlook it for your life.
"It's not like that- Jim, you know me, and it's not like that. I know the plan, and-" He already seemed to be calming some, though his eyes still showed rage inside, "I would never betray you like that." Sadly, it was true. Jim had protected you when you made the biggest mistake of your life- from both the government and any criminal organizations out to kill you. Six years, and he'd given you everything you could ever need, at the simple cost of working for him. He never had you do much, and never pushed you into anything you were uncomfortable with, and hey- the door was always open, if you'd ever choose death over him.
But that's the thing about Jim Moriarty. He is death, in his own sense, just in much prettier packaging. He twists your mind, until nothing exists but him, and he always gets what he wants, and always makes it seem like that's what you wanted, all along. And you'd caught on to the game early on- never cared to stop it, but then again, if you did, then you'd be boring like everyone else.
He smirked the slightest bit, fingers brushing against your cheek like rose petals in the wind, "Oh, my little desert blossom..." he leaned closer like he would kiss you, "I'll believe it when I see it. Choose Holmes, and you've only got yourself to blame for your untimely demise." He said it the same way he would words of endearment, the sickly feeling seeping into you, but his tone drawing you closer.
"You're a double edged sword, you know that?" You muttered, somewhat wishing you could betray James- even the slightest bit. You could care less about your protection. It's just that your sense of loyalty rested with the consulting criminal, and you could never give that up.
His lips brushed against yours just as the door opened downstairs, and you fought the temptation to tell Sherlock to stay put.
But as Jim's lips fully encased yours, not a sound left your mouth. Footsteps echoed up the stairs, and still, you were engulfed by the madman. Infatuated.
The door to the old flat building was kicked open, the ancient lock flying off the door. You heard the gun before you saw it.
Click, "Let. Her. Go." He demanded, as if you hadn't just been kissing the criminal a second ago. Your eyes went wide as Jim pulled away, smirking with a mad glint in his eyes.
"Oh, Sherlock... tsk... tsk... tsk..." The gun stayed trained on Jim, and every second ticked down, ringing in your ears. You looked between the two, staying next to the wall, unsure if you were even allowed to say anything, or if it'd mess up Jim's plan. Jim circled around Sherlock, the gun lowering slightly the moment he was away from you. Soon he was in front of you, again, eyes lit up with knowing that Sherlock was absolutely clueless. Jim held his hand out to you, more of an offering than a demand.
"Let's let our fair blossom decide, hm?" You wished you could say you even considered choosing Sherlock for a split second, but then again, that'd be pointless. The moment you left Jim's side, you'd be dead...
"Y/n, I know who you are." Sherlock said flatly, your head snapping to him, hand drawing back. Jim's eyes went black at the reaction, oh so tempted to just snatch your hand.
"I can help you- protect you. You don't need him!" Sherlock insisted, stepping closer, and offering out his hand. His eyes sparkled with desperation, genuinely wanting you to come with him. He didn't want to beat Moriarty, or use you for his own agendas. He just wanted to protect you... and that was enough. Your hand shook, uncertainty spreading through you. Could he protect you? Could he, really?

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