Sticks and Stones. (MoriartyxReader)

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Prompts: 6 ("A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.") and 9 ("I don't really think before I act. It's part of my charm.")
Character: Moriarty
Requested by: @FemaleLucifer666

He couldn't understand how you always smiled. He'd known you for as long as he could remember, and during that entire time, he didn't think he'd seen you cry once. Never... until today.
It was inconceivable to him that insults would even phase you- he'd experienced the constant bullying from your school peers right along with you. And, unlike him, it had never bothered you. You smiled, got up, and kept moving forward. But this? About because of a guy you broke up with months ago?
"He cheated on me, Jim!" You spat as he tried to calm you down, "Do you know what that feels like?!" Probably a lot like watching the girl of your dreams date a guy that did that, but he wasn't positive.
"I know, but- why're you letting this of all things get to you?" He pushed, moving an arm around you gingerly, "The y/n I know would say 'forget 'im." He put on a smile despite the worry in his eyes. He was responded with a bemused stare.
"Because it hurts to know that he saw me as so little that he wouldn't even dump me before going on to the next girl." You said flatly, the hollow look in your eye making his stomach twist painfully.
"Since when do you care what people think?" He asked earnestly, brow drawing together slightly. You just sighed.
"Since always?" That was a shock to him- so much so that he almost laughed. No, you'd never cared what anyone else thought of you. Actually, you couldn't care less.
"That's bull!" He stated confidently, "Kids used to call us every name in the book- not once did you give a sh-!"
"It always hurt, Jim. And I always cared. Probably more than I should have." You grumbled, tucking your head into his chest. He swore time stopped. No- what? He couldn't be mistaken, he just couldn't be... he knew what he saw. Time and time again. Your beaming smile never faltered, even on the darkest of days. It was the only light that really ever mattered to him...
"That's not true... I- you never once acted like you even gave a rat's bottom." He persisted, and you managed a feeble laugh.
"A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation-"
"-with the bricks others have thrown at her..." Jim mumbled the second part of the quote, gut twisting painfully in guilt. He hadn't noticed your pain... he'd been blind. Blinded by your dazzling smile and gorgeous eyes... by the way you made him feel. So blind that he'd never stopped to asses how you actually felt...
"Y/n... I'm so sorry... but- you really shouldn't worry about some stupid arsehole. You're a million times better than any other girl, and if he couldn't see that, then he is an absolute fool." You thought he said it just to soothe you, to make you feel better. At least, you did at first. It wasn't unnaturally for him to kiss the top of your hair, and you didn't think anything of it when he did it. You didn't have a qualm with him pulling you slightly closer. Then again, you were oblivious to how pained he was feeling. He'd let you down, in so many ways, and if he could fix it, he would. Even if it meant his life- he'd take all your pain away.
His lips brushed the soft strands of h/c as he murmured out a small, "I love you," making everything around you freeze. For a moment, he swore his heart stopped. Your breath hitched, and immediately you turned around to look at him, wide-eyed and surprised.
"W- What?" You asked, voice only faintly above a whisper. He couldn't say anything, his words wouldn't work. Without thinking he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours. Too stunned to move, you froze, heart thrumming in your chest.
"S-Sorry-" he pulled away hastily, hurrying to get out of there. He was so stupid- this wasn't some romcom, and he wasn't some prince-charming. The villain doesn't get a happy ending.
"I'm sorry- that wasn't- that wasn't okay... I-I'll go..." He was absolutely flushed, scattering to go. His mind went blank when your hand came to rest on his arm.
"I'd rather you stay." You said with a soft smile, eyes quickly drying of tears. He stared at you, unsure of what to say, and when you couldn't think of anything, either, you leaned forward and kissed him, again.
"You kissed me..? Why- W-What were you thinking-?" His voice swoll with disbelief, eyes wide with hope. You giggled at him, and pecked another kiss to his lips.
"I don't think before I act. It's part of my charm." You shrugged, grinning at him. He couldn't help a smile back, lopsided as it may've been.
"And I wouldn't want it any other way."

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