Park your Stark-I mean snark...

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"Sherlock, what on earth are we doing in America?" John's heavy sigh echoed through your mind, a blush coming to your cheeks. Sherlock's hand was placed on the small of your back, a faint smile gracing his lips.
"Our dear y/n has made it apparent that they have family in the area." He answered simply, not seeming to notice your evident embarrassment. You sidestepped away from the small embrace, mostly to look for your brother. How hard was it to find a six-foot one billionaire, anyways? Then, you saw him...with a teenager?
"Anthony! Tony!" You cried, dragging your friends through the crowd to the snarky bastard. He grinned as he heard your voice, turning around and lifting his sunglasses.
"You know, only douchebags where sunglasses indoors." You sassed him, hands coming to your hips. A wry smile played on your lips as his young companion began snickering.
"Yeah, Yeah—But I'm a rich douchebag." He shrugged, hands in his pockets. John nearly had a heart attack—Westwood suit with dark hair and sunglasses? That sounded exactly like Moriarty, which absolutely terrified the poor man. At least Tony was much taller...actually, that didn't help any.
"So, is this..?" Tony's eyes widened at you and he began spluttering out a chain of 'no way' and 'hell no's. At least he had the common sense not to be fucking a teenager.
"Oi-! I brought mine, where's yours?!" You demanded, crossing your arms over your chest. He laughed, suddenly calm again.
"Out saving the world—you know, like a hero." He bragged, only causing you to roll your eyes.
"But no, Peter isn't him. He's a kid I'm training." You shook the young man's hand, smiling kindly at him. He didn't seem all that imposing, but Tony had mentioned him. Said he had /actual/ Powers—like his man hunk.
"And I would suppose this is-"
"Sherlock Holmes."
"No shit, Sherlock." Tony rolled his eyes, causing Peter to snicker. Sherlock's eyes widened, clearly offended. He went into a spiel about your brother's life...but even the great Sherlock Holmes makes mistakes. And Tony isn't nearly as forgiving as you and John...
"You forgot the part where I use my billions to save the world and land a hot soldier boy. Now sit down, shut your trap and let's discuss the rules to dating a Stark. First rule: Don't give me that sass."

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