Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Words Keep Flowing

Rumors Begin?


I shuffle to the girls' apartment slowly. Cleo told me she forgave me but it didn't seem like enough. I wanted her to sincerely mean it even if it meant me pleading on my knees. Knock. Knock. I rap my knuckles against the wood softly. "Who's there?" A voice calls from inside. It sounded muffled in a way. "Tamaki!" I reply. A chain noise and a click sounds from inside. Cleo stands in the doorway wearing some pajama pants and a light pink undershirt. She had one arm through her robe and a piece of toast in her mouth. "Come ib." She mumbles as she munches quietly. I follow her inside and shut the door behind me. I see a teapot full of hot water and a cup of coffee with a plate full of toast and muffins beside it. A book was open to page 479 and a highlighter marked it's way through almost all the words. "Studying for Professor .Maka's exam?" I ask as I take a seat on the couch. "Yeah. Unfortunately all my notes got wet when it rained the other day so I have to read the whole book and go through, highlighting all the important stuff and all that." Cleo mumbles as she yawns. "How long have you been up?" I ask. By the dark circles under Cleo's eyes, I figured it was a long time. "I can't even remember." Cleo yawns again. I pat my lap. "Go to sleep if you need to." I say. Cleo looks at me before curling into a ball, her head on my lap. I stroke her white hair softly as Cleo falls asleep. Never again was I going to let anything hurt her.


I sat at the small round table. Blair was in the kitchen making some more tea while Soul and I sat at the table with Crona. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" I ask again. Ragnarok appears. He pulls Crona's pink hair. "What are you doing!? There is someone who is hungry! Don't think of yourself you little conceded brat!" Ragnarok exclaims. He grabs some food from the table and eats to his heart content (which was almost all the food we had out currently.) "So you see why we need you to stay on alert." Soul says. He grabs a muffin from the plate and takes a bite. Blair pours us more tea. "I-I understand." Crona mumbles. He rubs his arm and looks away, clearly troubled at the thought of another witch. "I won't let her get you okay. You are my friend. And that's what friends are for." I say with a big smile. I grab Crona's hands. Crona smiles back at me. I'm so happy we were becoming closer friends than before.


I wake up with a jacket covering me. I turn so my back was against the couch and look up. Tamaki was leaning on the couch arm, fast asleep. I smile. He was so adorable when he was asleep. I curl up closer to his warm body and shake his arm softly. Tamaki opens his eyes. I see bright blue green orbs staring around the room and finally landing on me. I smile. "How long were we asleep?" I ask. "Not long. It's just now four in the afternoon." Tamaki mumbles. I nod okay and sit up. Tamaki lays his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes again. I push him off of me playfully. He shoves me back softly. I get closer to him, filling up the little space between us. I bite my lip and look at him. Tamaki leans down. Closer. Closer. Closer. Until our lips finally touched.

*The Next Day*


Tamaki knocked on my door in the morning, wanting to walk me to school. I changed quickly and grabbed my things. Right now we were climbing up the many steps, of DWMA. Tamaki held my books, refusing to let me carry anything. "You study for Professor Marie's test?" I ask. "Yeah. All week. When I wasn't hanging around you of course." Tamaki answers. I smile and blush slightly. We walk into the school. The hallways were full of people chit chatting but when we walked by, they stood and stared, mumbling things to each other. "Didn't he try to kill her?". "Yeah but her mom saved her.". "She would've been better off if she killed him. He can't do anything.". I felt my blood bubble at those words. I spin around, everyone jumped and looked at me. "You must think I can't hear you!? Huh! I can hear every word you say and I'd gladly appreciate if you all would shut up! Bastards! Do you even know what happened? No! You weren't there so before you say people are better off dead, get the actual facts straight and don't just gossip because you want to. I swear I will kill all of you mother-" a hand covers my mouth. Everyone looked at me scared. Hikari, Prima, and Crystal drag me away with Tamaki following us. The crowd were glancing at each other before doing what they needed to do quietly. "Cleo! What was that!?" Hikari whispers. She lead us to an empty janitors closet. We were squished together. Prima was smushed between Hikari and Crystal. I was squeezed in front of Tamaki and beside Prima. "What do you think that was!? I was standing my ground for gossipy, good for nothing low lives who talk about others instead of minding their own business." I reply. Prima sighs. "That's called being mean but I like the feisty ness." Prima mumbles. I smile. "Can we leave? I'm claustrophobic." Crystal whines as she shuffles towards the door. "See you in class Mama Bear." Hikari jokes. "Hush it Red Robin." I joke back. Hikari laughs loudly as they walk out. "Let's go too." I say. I grab Tamaki's hand. He drapes his arm around my shoulders. We walk quietly to class. Well, it would've been quiet if my Grandpa Spirit hadn't walked by. "Hey Cleo. Hey Tamaki." Spirit says as he walks by. We keep walking. "Woah! Woah woah woah! Tamaki! What are you doing with my granddaughter!?" He yells at a scared Tamaki. "Run!" I scream as we take off, hand in hand, to my mother's classroom. "Tamaki! Let go of my granddaughter! She is too young for a boyfriend!" Spirit yells. He was chasing after us. "MAKA CHOP!" Maka exclaims. She hit her father on the head. We were just outside her classroom. Spirit begins to blubber about how Maka doesn't love him and how he wants only the best for his granddaughter. Tamaki and I sneak into class. He takes his seat between Azure and Prona while I sit between Kyoya and Hikari. I glance out the door and see Maka lecturing Spirit. I sigh and sink down in my seat. "I hope you all are studying for the Meister and Weapon test!" Professor Maka sing songs as she moves gracefully to the bored. "Here are some more notes that could help. Meisters only of course. Miss Marie has the weapons notes." Professor Maka says.

*Later that Day*


"Everybody listen please!" Professor Marie chimes as she stands in the front of her classroom. All of us hush and turn to look at the blonde teacher. She smiles. "As you all know, mine and Professor Maka's test are coming up in a week.". Groans and grunts of protest ring through the class. "I hope you've been studying. I hear Maka's test is going to be extremely hard for you Meisters as is mine for you weapons. There is a catch to this though. Afterwards, we will team up and judge you pairs on how well you work together so work on that too!" Professor Marie warns us. I look at Crystal. She mouths "training grounds". I hold up a thumbs up and turn to face Professor Marie again.


The day was finally over. I grab some kind of beach bag that I borrowed from Blair. She said she didn't care since she had almost twenty more just like it but in different colors. I put all my books and sling the bag on my shoulder. Soul appears by the door. His sharp teeth turned up into a smile and his red eyes shining. I smile. "Mind locking up. Im going to go check up on Miss. Marie." I tell Soul. "Sure." Soul mumbles. He fumbles with the hard to lock door as I make my way to Miss Marie's classroom. "Hey Marie." I say. I let myself into the room. Marie was sitting at her desk writing on some papers with a blue ink pen. "Maka. Just the person I wanted to see. If a student puts an answer that gives the gist of the actual answer but isn't exactly the right answer, how many points do I give them?" Marie asks. "I usually mark down half a point." I answer. Marie looks up at me excitedly. "Oh right!" She squeals as she marks down 1/2 point by number 28. "I think it's time to go home Marie." I tell her. Miss Marie yawns. "Yeah. I guess so." She mumbles. Soul was waiting by the door, tossing my keys into the air and catching them. Miss Marie locks her room door and follows us out. "Bye Marie. Tell Stein I said hello." I call after Marie as we break ways. "I will. Bye Maka. Bye Soul. See you tomorrow!". Soul unlocks out apartment door. Blair was on the couch, barely wearing clothes. "Hey Soul. Hey Maka." Blair purrs. Soul's nose starts dripping blood as he falls backwards. "BLAIR THIS IS NOT FUNNY! PUT ON CLOTHES! SOUL IF YOU GET ONE MORE NOSEBLEED IM KICKING BOTH OF YOU OUT MY APARTMENT!" I yell. I stomp to my room and slam the door shut. I fling myself on my bed and close my eyes, waiting for a good nights sleep.

*******************************************************AUTHOR'S NOTE

Here you go guys. Chapter Five!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy! Fan vote read comment Etc etc. If you guys have any questions comments or anything you can message me here or email me at

I also need a cover so if someone could maybe make one for me I'd really love that. If you make one, you can just send it to my email. Thanks for reading!!!


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