10. I want real love baby

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"Ok, so you never actually told me the deal?" I mentioned the whole deal situation since Van never did actually tell me what it was. His arm slung around mine as we walked back to the hotel room, our shoes swinging on our fingertips and our clothes now dripping with water from the pool. We were drenched.

"There was no deal."

"What? Vaann." I groaned sarcastically, halting myself.

"How else would I get you to kiss me?" He chuckled. His arm slid down to my hand and lightly intertwined our fingers.

"Well, actually, you kissed me?" I reminded him, which got me thinking..why?

"Yeah well, it's a one off." I saw a grin curl to his lips, showing that he was being sarcastic. His hand left mine and slid into his pocket to see that his card was now soaked, as so was mine. "Fuck."

"Larry won't be asleep will he?" I asked, hoping that he wouldn't be because I was freezing.

Van let out a sign, curled his hand to a fist and knocked to the door. "Larry, open up." No answer. "Larry! Larry!"

After minutes of knocking and yelling Larry sleepily opened the door, his hair a mess, his eyes puffy.

"Don't y' have your card key on you?" He asked, rubbing his hand to his eye, now opening the door wider to let us in.

"No-" Van began before Larry spoke over.

"What the fuck have youse been doin'?" He scoffed and closed the door then climbed back into bed, offering Van and I a smoke.

"Nothin'.." He chuckled.

We both declined and Van went to the bathroom and I went to the second bedroom. I found a hoodie and some pyjama bottoms to sleep in since sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear would be that appropriate for two guys. I suck my hair up in a bun and pulled up my hood to make my hair dry faster as well as not soak the pillow in chlorine. I pulled the covers up over my arm and laid to my side, scrolling on my phone.

A shadow emerged and the quilt pulled and in came Van. He wasn't wearing anything other than his underwear, which I found acceptable since I couldn't really see him wearing PJ's.

"Ello stranger." Van's soft, now deep voice spoke, placing his hand under the pillow as a head rest. His hair still remained partially wet, hanging down his face, whenever he tried to pull it behind his ears, it wouldn't say and fall out of place.

"Hi." I locked my phone, now putting my full concentration onto him. There was only light coming from a big window what sat on the wall at the end of the bed, silk-like, cream curtains draped over, the window open a slight, allowing the nights traffic of engines and beeping to flow into the room with the wind, creating a nice refreshing breeze, tranquil you'd say. Indeed, definitely for me.

"I can't believe you jumped in the pool." Van tutted with a little smirk.

"What? You pushed me in." I gasped, understanding how this conversation is most likely to go.

"I don't think so." He closed his eyes and pressed his lips into a sarcastic smile, making his cheeks puff up and his dimples show.

"Then how come you're wet then?" I asked, hoping to catch him out.

"How else would I have saved you?"

"Saved me?" I giggled, smiling at how cute he could be.

"Yeah, I had to give you the kiss of life." His voice slowly began to raise and turn high-pitched.

"Kiss of life? Really?" I was trying my hardest not to burst out laughing at how stupid we were both being.

"Yeah, otherwise you would've drowned." He did a little pout and he looked spit image of his younger self, back to when we used to talk.

"Drowned? Wow. I bet you're happy you kissed me then, huh?" I smiled as a big smile immediately sprung to his lips.

"Yeah..." his voice now began to lower, his hand lightly placed itself to my waist as he continued, "it went a little..something like.." I could see his face now inching towards me through the faint light from the reflections of the car lights, street lights and signs lit brightly through the window. "....this." His lips now pressed to mine, feeling so gentle, his hand now scooped me closer to his body, managing to slide under my hoodie and around my figure, making the hoodie rise and I felt his skin to my skin. So warm. My hands fell over his shoulders and my hands got lost in his hair. Fuck, how could I have left this?

We both awoke to Larry calling Van's name. My eyes inched open, I was laid next to him, his arm around my shoulders, the forearm resting on the pillow next to us, my head to his chest, my arm wrapped around him, the quilts drawn up to Van's torso, we were both still fully clothed, nothing happened apart from a steamy make out session.

"Van!" Larry shouted, now walking through the half opened door.

"Yes mate?" He sluggishly spoke, his voice raspy and tired. He didn't move an inch, other than his arm now wrapped around my wait, his fingers resting onto my hip. Larry's presence filled the room as he lightly knocked before walking in.

"We're goin soon', y'-oh." Larry stopped himself, "sorry guys..I didn't know youse were.."

"No, it's fine Larry, stay. What were y' sayin'?" Van called Larry back in as he walked out being respectful of our privacy.

"I got out the stuff for y' since you said I can't roll them right." And off he went, he disappeared again. Once the door closed Van sighed and snuggled down into me, wrapping his arm around me.

"Why are y' so comfy?" He sighed content, placing a kiss to my jawline.

"I'm comfy?" I laughed, "you're the one whose always warm."

"No, I don't think so." He lifted his head and smiled as I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"Go roll your joint, Larry's waiting." I smiled, just before we heard faint music and loud laughing coming from next door.

"They in here?" A voice shouted over the music before bursting in. Bondy dancing, shimming his shoulders with a cigarette and a bottle of branded beer in his hand.

"HERE THEY ARE!" He called and Benji and Bob entered. Benji gave the joint to Van.

"I rolled it for you." Benji nodded and he nodded replying as his arm went to a lighter what rested on the side table. As Van and Benji fiddled with the lighter, Larry appeared with a lit joint in his hand and stood at the door frame.

"GRACE, COME DANCE!" Bondy called as I was lost in a daydream. I shook my head and saw he had a Bluetooth speak in his pocket playing really loud music. A good song actually. I shook my head with a kind smile as he took my hand. "COME ON!" He laughed over the music. I climbed of the bed and he put my hands around his neck and his went around my back, still with a bottle of beer in his hand and a cigarette between his lips. We both danced sillily out of sync.

"I WANT REAL LOVE BABY." Bondy sang.

"OOH DON'T LEAVE ME WAITING!" Van joined in, making my head turn behind me towards his and he smiled. He came over and joined, taking me by my hands and Bondy grabbed Larry and danced with him. The height difference was laughable.

For the morning, we just danced along to Father John Misty..what a guy.

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