Chapter 14. Sorry

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It's now been a month. A big jump I know. So much has not happened within the last 4 weeks of being on tour with two famous bands.

"Is it safe yet?" I asked randomly, out of the blue to Larry who sat next to me on the couch in my house.


"Is it safe yet?" I repeated.

"Grace what are y' on about?"

"I'm going to tell him." I stood up, my heart beginning to pump hard against my chest as I made my way to the door to go to his house where he was working on the new album with Bondy and Benji.

"Oh, Gracie, no." I heard Larry stand from the couch and catch up to me as I was already out of the door and in my car.

"Gracie, don't do it." A muffled voice yelled though the window followed by a loud knock.

"You getting in or what?" I smirked finding the whole situation humorous.

"Grace, don't do it." He repeated.

"Why? 'Because he's not ready', look Larry, I appreciate you're only trying to look out for him 'cause you're his best mate an' all but he's got to find out sooner or later." By this time Larry had slipped himself into the passengers seat and I began the ignition and started driving to Van's house.

"Well it's true Gracie, you know what he's like.."

"I don't though, do I?"

"Gra-..he loves you an' he doesn't like seein' y' hurting.."

"He hasn't seen me hurting. Have you told him?" I quickly skipped to a conclusion.

"No. He's just been questioning me all of the tour and this past month.."

"So you have told him then?"

"No, he's figured it out." By how blunt we were both being, I knew it wasn't going to end well.


"I don't know? Look Gracie..-" Larry began and I soon shut him up. He now had no other choice other than to sit in the car and drive to his house where Van and the boys lived.

"Larry, it's fine."

"It's not though is it?"

"It's not, no..but, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Graciee.." he moaned and slouched into his seat.

"Laarryyy.." I moaned imitating his voice.

"I give up with you." He now let loose a small grin and within 7 minutes of the conversation ending we reached the boys house.

"Gracie." I heard Larry's voice again as I stopped the ignition and got out, walking through the gate to their door. "Grace!" He shouted after me and I heard his presence now behind me. I lightly knocked and was just about to open the door when Larry pulled my arm.

"Gracie." He sighed. "Just listen to me, this once?"


"No Gracie, listen." Larry was being so protective and it was strange to see since he has never been this loud or verbal with me before. I might as well or he'll just rant on at me again.

"Ok." I sighed, our eyes met. "I'm listening."

"Just don't, please?" I scanned his face, he was really protective..really really protective? I nodded agreeing just as the door opened to be greeted by the man himself, Van McCann.

"Wha' are youse two doin' out 'ere?" He chuckled, opening the door wider so me and Larry could enter. "Bondy were just makin' us a cuppa. Do youse want one?"

I shook my head with a smile and took a seat next to Benji. He sat snug into the corner on the couch, glued to his phone. He had noticed my presence by the flick of his eyelids (his way of not verbally communicating). Larry had made himself comfy in the kitchen along with Bondy - Bob was laying on the couch, his feet elevated onto the other end and his laptop was placed on his stomach, his headphones were plugged in which is a good idea since any ears near here could listen in on mine and Benji's conversation, if there ever is one.

"Sorry." I heard a mumble.


"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I quickly realised, "oh, that."

"Mm, that. Sorry."

"You do have a way with words Blake, don't you?" By me actually taking an interest to his apology, he put his phone to the side and put his arm around my shoulder and leant in. He was hugging me?

"I- Ben..?" I was confused but I understood to why he hugged me.

"Sorry." He quickly chuckled with a shy smile and straightened out his leather jacket and leant back into the couch again. I rested my back into the couch and fiddle with my fingers.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologise, I get it, you just say it how it is, it's fine, it's fine." I smiled, reassuring Benji that he doesn't need to say sorry again, but I was unsure if I was just reassuring myself. I try to stand tall.

"I know it can be shit." He spoke, making me pause from my thoughts. "And I know you've had it tough, with him, y'know I'm sorry for that too. Sorry Gracie." I saw his head turn in the corner of my eye and I turned and tried to smile. I was perplexed to why he was apologising - I get for what he said on tour but now? He hasn't done anything?

"Ben.." I smile and giggled, seeing his frown go to a curious grin and I nudged his arm with my elbow and I heard a chuckle. I softly laughed and rested my head to his shoulder.

"It's good to have you back Gracie."

HONEY, THAT'S ALRIGHT | Van McCann Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang