Chapter 15. The end

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"No, I'm not having it anymore." I shook my head and held my arms folded tightly to my body.


"No, Van." I shook my head again and let the tears fall. I kept my guard up, he's not getting through, not after this.

"I'm sorry...Gracie..I am."

"You think sorry is going to work? I just can't anymore, don't you get it? You don't even love me if you're going off with that other girl in America?" My voice was trying its hardest to hold itself together but right now, it was hard.

Van now stood with his arms folded, teary-eyed, not knowing what to say. I scoffed and turned towards the door, grabbing my jacket from the table. I opened the door and made by way out into the typical British weather. The rain poured hard and I placed my jacket on, I don't know why, it didn't keep me dry. The rain was more like a storm, heavy and powerful. I had only made it to the bottom of the driveway and I was already looking like a drowned rat.

It had been a month since me and Van had last spoken to each other in person, two months since they left for America to record their album. I didn't go as I wanted him to have his freedom, even though he can at anytime, I felt it was necessary as this album was a devoted thing to them and it was close to their hearts.

I kept my head to the ground, letting the tears run and fall off my face along with the rain giving me a full on shower. I knew he did. It had been few months from the tour finishing and he jets off to America to record the new album, you see, I'm not angry at that. I'm more frustrated at the fact of how he "dated" a girl over there? She was in a famous band and was touring around the same area where he was recording, however rumours circulated and this is why I'm walking in the torrential rain. He didn't even run after me, just like Danny. I know they're just rumours but it's hard to think that they're not true when the pictures are all over the internet.

"Gracie!" A voice called. I looked up as I turned onto my street. I saw a guy dressed in a black waterproof coat. As I approached, this guy turned out to be the one and only Larry Lau.

"Grace." He repeated as I made my way to the door, fumbling the keys into the door.

"Yes Larry." I sniffed, wiping the rain out of my face as I entered the house, Larry following and closing the door behind him.

"You and uh.."

"Me and Van. Yes I know."

"Want to fill me in?" He followed me into the living room and lit up a cigarette.

"I thought you'd be the first to know, you were with him." I scoffed, sitting on the couch.


So he knows.

"Oh." He now knew by my face that we were now on the same page. "Alana, she-"

"Is that her name?"

"Yeah. Just listen before you begin yellin'." He raised his brows and I nodded huffing. "They met in LA whilst we were recording the new album, something happened, he did like her but he always has - as long as I can remember. The thing is, it was natural, it was just a close friendship an' it just happened, but it was only one kiss alright? He told me everything and how he regretted it, ok? She hurt him too, so it doesn't make it any better."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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