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Unknown: hey dadniel

Unknown: why are u such a peach?

Unknown: one minute u look hot the next ur the cutest bunny on earth

Unknown: ashisihdcdsixsd iTS UR FAULT IM LIKE THIS OKAY

Unknown: youve got me at ur sorry sorry team performance

Unknown: where u discreetly slid ur hand over ur crotch u dirty boi ;)

Daniel: ew do u notice each and every thing i do?

Unknown: of course duh

Unknown: especially the dirty ones ;)

Unknown: yeorojwo was my favorite

Unknown: or get ugly bc of ur abs ugh

Unknown: i will gladly yeorojwo my legs for you, mr. kang ;))

Daniel: im too innocent for this

Daniel: pls leave

Unknown: too "innocent" for this

Unknown: pft yEAH RIGHT

Unknown: daehwi is the only one innocent among you guys

Unknown: and the only gay *cough* gayhwi *cough*

Daniel: dont u say stuffs like that to my dongsaengs!!


Unknown: u really are dadniel <3

Unknown: only said that to provoke u daehwi is a babe

Unknown: cum on send me an angry pout pic of u plsss

Unknown: "cum on" get it hahaha ;) ;)

Daniel: leave me alone

Unknown: bUT DANIEL

Unknown: you've already yeorojwo'd my heart for you

Unknown: i cant leave u until i've yeorojwo'd into yours ;)

Daniel: can u please stop saying yeorojwo

Unknown: yeorojwo those thighs first, dadniel ;)

Daniel: damn it

Daniel: BYE

Unknown: it's cute how u say goodbye before...

Unknown: wait for it...

Unknown: wait for the pun of the year.....


byuntae [kang daniel]Where stories live. Discover now