040. (narration)

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i felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. right then and there, i swear i was about to pass out.

"hello, mina. sorry for making you wait." his voice graced my ears. i can feel his breathing on my ear. i can't help but think how close his lips were to my ear.

"d-daniel..." i stammered, unable to process the situation right now.

his body felt so warm. i frowned when the warmth suddenly disappeared, only for me to see him whip around in front of me, taking both my hands and holding it. my heart skipped a beat.

"so where shall we go to for our very first date?" he asked giddily. daniel was clad in gray jacket and tight denim pants, a black cap on and face mask as disguise. he looked like a normal guy, and you wouldn't notice it was him if you wouldn't see his eyes.

"i really want to go to a carnival right now but i don't want to risk exposing you." i sighed. i've gone over my plan for our date. i can't help but be giddy with it the whole day. "so just something normal, like food and just hanging out by the river?" i asked.

daniel's eyes seem to smile, and i knew he was smiling. "anything would do. as long as i'm with you."

"your words are like honey, damn. i will stab you for all this cheesiness." i refused to acknowledge the rising blush on my cheeks and turned my back, starting to walk ahead. i can hear daniel's footsteps as he catches up.

"why are you so violent these days?" he chuckled, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

i huffed. my heartbeat is so fast that it feels like a sports car on a race. "because... you're stupid. bye." i shook his arm off and took off, sprinting towards a diner that's in my line of vision.

i can hear daniel shouting after me, but i didn't mind him and just laughed and ran.

byuntae [kang daniel]Where stories live. Discover now