041. (narration)

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daniel and i ordered tons of food. wait, let me rephrase that. i ordered lots of food. and despite my conscience, daniel insisted to pay for it all. since i exceeded my budget anyways, i let him do so.

we walked back to the river and talked as we ate. daniel on stage was very different from the daniel i have beside me right now. he was really a radiant boy. despite his childishness, he bears a mature mind and puts others before himself.

he told me stories of his cats, rooney and peter. actually they were what we most talked about. if you asked me rooney's eating schedule or peter's preferred food, i can answer you right away. daniel was that proud of his cats.

despite my greasy fingers due to eating chicken, daniel held my hand as we walked. we looked like that cliche cheesy couple you'd find anywhere. but i didn't mind. his hand fits mine so perfectly, so warm, so comforting.

the night has gone by fast that i didn't notice 6 pm has turned into 10. daniel had a curfew due to early schedules tomorrow. he just said hello and now he's about to say goodbye. sadness enveloped me. i didn't want this night to end.

"hey," he said in a soft voice, lifting my chin up with his forefinger, "don't be sad. if i'm free, we could see each other again, okay?"

free. the word rang through my mind.

when will he be ever free?

i looked at daniel and saw how tired his eyes were. he was happy, sure, but you can't remove the fact that he's been drowning in countless of schedules. he was beyond tired. i suddenly felt guilty for taking his time instead of him using it to rest.

i placed my palm on his cheek, surprising him. as much as i worry about him, i didn't want to ruin such a good night. i beamed at him brightly, caressing his cheek. "thank you for this night, daniel. i loved every second of it."

daniel's eyes shone, the reflection of the moon showing how brown his eyes were. he leaned closer towards me, placing his forehead on mine. his eyes smiled once again. "wow. i still can't believe a byuntae like you who texted me random things will be giving me a night to remember."

i pinched his cheek and pouted. "well believe it, kang daddy." i playfully winked, laughing out loud right after at how disgusting i was being and shook my head.

daniel held me into my place, holding both of my cheeks and making me freeze in my position. "y-yah. w-what are you doing?" i stuttered.

daniel just winked, removing one palm from my cheek to take off his face mask. my eyes widen, immediately looking around to see if someone was watching. "d-daniel! someone might see yo-"

i didn't get to finish what i was about to say, as the next thing i knew, his lips were on mine.

soft. gentle. passionate. his kiss was nothing but sweet. my eyes widened, yet my knees started to weaken i had to close my eyes and got lost with his kiss.

i smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

a night to remember it was, indeed.


*alarms ringing* *ambulance weewoo-ing (?)* *confettis popping* anD THATS A DANMIN KISS YA'LL

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