(2) This Town is Wasted and Alone

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A/N: Sorry sorry sorry!! I apologize for any grammatical mistakes there may be, I kinda have to rush this. And another reminder, I totally own nothing in this book besides the shitty writing and stuff. -Mal

"Later, 'Trick. Try not to get shot again," Joe cracked as we headed out to our cars.

I scowled, "Sich verpissen,"

He just laughed, "Yeah, yeah. don't get your panties in a knot. See you in the morning." I nodded as we climbed into our respective cars. Immediately, my thoughts floated back to the conversation from earlier; Unfinished business...

What could that mean? Maybe a case I never finished? No, impossible. All my missions have been successes. It's why I'm the best, after all. 

"Well if not that, then what?" my subconscious growled.

Before I could get into a heated argument with myself, I was interrupted by a tap in my window, You OK? Gerard mouthed, stepping back slightly as I rolled down my window.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. What's up?"

He nodded, "Well, it's just, we were hanging back, having a smoke, and you've been sitting here for a while..."

I frowned slightly, "We?" His head jerked to the side, nodding to someone standing right next to him.

"Hey," Frank greeted, waving his hand in a friendly wave. I couldn't say I was surprised, those two did everything together. Probably because they've been dating for years. If you believed the rumors, since high school.

"Anyways, if you're sure you're alright, we'll let you go," Gerard paused, waiting for me to nod my head, "Alright. See you tomorrow, Stump."

"Later, Patrick," Frank chimed, raising his hand for a moment. I nodded back my goodbyes and waited until they had strolled away, hand in hand, towards what I assumed to be Gerard's car, before rolling my window up.

Once again, I tried to push the thoughts away as I concentrated on driving. Though I hadn't given the subject all that much thought, one thing was certain;

Come tomorrow morning, that case was mine.

A/N: AGAIN, SOOOO SO SORRY!! I'm still grounded (seriously it's been like 2 weeks, let it go mom) But as promised, the second chapter! I know it's really really short, because a) not a lot of time to work on it and b) I totally honestly forgot about it. But never again!! Third chapter will be up soon, and this time it WILL be longer. I promise!!
She'll unground me sometime ya know?

Chapter Title: Death Valley - Fall Out Boy

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