(14) Epilogue

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*A/N: 9am update aren't you all lucky!*

7 Months Later

××Pete's POV××

"Pete!" I heard Patrick call, "I know you're here! The coffee's still warm."

"I wasn't hiding?" I said. I was trying for casual but it came out more as a question. Thankfully, Patrick didn't seem to notice, considering he was too busy throwing himself into my arms.

"She's dead!" he cried gleefully, placing a kiss on my lips before jumping away and spinning around the kitchen.

"What? Who?" I asked. Death was far from what was going on in my mind.

Patrick stopped dancing and turned to give me his patented bitch face, "Hayley, you dumb fuck."

Oh. "Oh." I said, "Right. How?"

"Y.B.C finally caught her. Joe called and said he watched her die himself," he grinned again, "We're free!"

"Awesome," I smiled too.

Apparently, that wasn't enough celebration for Patrick, "Are you feeling okay? You've been acting weird all week."

"Hmm? Me? Yeah, no, I'm good. Just kinda...distracted, I guess." I smiled wider, hoping to convince him. Leave it, Patrick. Please, just let it go. You don't know what you're getting into.

No such luck.

"Mhmm. Distracted. Distracted with what, exactly?"

Oh shit oh shit. "You know. Just, stuff." That was weak even to me.

Patrick was severely unamused, "Stuff."

"Yeah," I agreed, "Stuff."

"Like, illegal stuff?" he asked, eyebrows nearly hidden behind his fedora.

"No! No, I assure you it's 100% legal. As legal as I can possibly be. Actually, it involves the government. Kind of," I made a face, "Later on it'll involve the government."

Patrick looked relieved but even more curious, "Could you elaborate a little more?"

"No?" I briefly transformed into a 12 year old girl my voice was so high pitched.

"Okay. So, just to go over it again, you, previously a serial killer who has been presumed dead for seven months, are keeping secrets from me, your boyfriend who is also presumed dead, that somehow eventually involves the law. Did I get it all?"

I nodded, "Spot on."

Patrick's bitch face was reaching epic proportions, "Pete. Just tell me what's going on."

I sighed, "I guess, in a certain light, it might be a surprise." Bitch face continues, "And I need to wait until the perfect time to ask you."

"So? Now's a perfect time. Ask me."

"Patrick," I warned, "Please stop."

"Pete, seriously? Will you just do it?" he sighed.

I frowned, "Most people plan this. For like, months. They have special days set out for it. I can't just 'do it'."

"Today's a special day. We no longer have to worry about being hunted. Can you ask me now?" he insisted.

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