(11) Sing For What You Feel Inside

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"Dead? You're right in front of me!" Pete cried, pointing at me as if I didn't believe him.

"Not dead as in dead. I'm obviously still alive, but Patrick Vaughn Stump legally died four years ago, about two months before I met Andy." I said, rolling my eyes slightly.

"We'll then how is 'Patrick Vaughn Stump' sitting here?" Joe asked, air quotes around my name.

I shrugged, "That's what Captain Way was for. He explained everything to Billie, gave him fake papers, and told him to keep my name out of anything and everything."

"So that's why you were always Billie's favourite? He was trying to casually keep an eye on his spy?" Andy scoffed, looking slightly offended.

"Eye on his spy," Joe mumbled, obviously trying not to laugh. We all glared at him. "I'll just...go check on Ryan and Brendon," he coughed lightly, slowly backing away from the table.

"So why exactly were you placed in this division?" Andy finally asked the question he was obviously stuck up on.

I shrugged again, "Hayley. She's an agent in the same bureau I am. She went rogue, and I was sent to kill her."

"Hayley?" Pete screamed, jumping up from his seat, "What is up with this girl? First you two send her to check up on Patrick, during which she thinks 'Hey, might as well shoot him while I'm at it'. Then you spout this story about how she can track our every move. And now Patrick the dead man was sent here to kill her?"

Andy and I both open our mouths, no doubt to make up excuses to just get Pete to calm down, but he's not done.

"Speaking of Patrick the dead man, did you know I knew about your little 'fake death'?"

I blinked, surprised, "No, I-"

"No? I didn't expect you to! Did you even think when you got this stupid job?" he demanded.

"Um...I'm gonna, go. Fill in Joe and the guys. Okay." Andy said, giving me one last glare before fleeing quickly into the kitchen.

"Well, I'm not an idiot, Pete! I know what jobs like these call for!"

"What about your parents?" he growled. He'd hit a spot and he knew it.

"My parents are none of your business!" I spat, jumping to my feet.

But he wasn't listening to me anymore, "Does your mom know her precious youngest son is sitting around a trashed restaurant with five killers? Does she know her son is one?"

"I am not a killer," my voice was furiously calm even to my own ears, "I do my job so no one else gets hurt."

"And tell me Patrick," he said my name like it was the worst insult he could ever say to me, "What exactly is your job?"

I took a deep breath, "You were wrong."

"What?" he cried, obviously confused as to where this was going.

"I actually do work for the government, Pete. No one knows I do because the bureau I work for doesn't exist. It has no name, and it has no members. We hunt down and kill rogue government agents, which is why we don't exist. We get our assignments as coded letters placed in random locations throughout whatever state you're in. The letter telling us the location is also coded and in a different location; we get a letter in the mail telling us where it is. No one knows who sends the letters, or if they do, they never said because no one knows any other members besides themselves."

Pete, for the first time, was speechless, "What? How..."

"I assume Captain Way is a member as well, considering he smoothed things over with Billie," I said, ignoring him, "Come to think of it, Billie must've been one too. Well then why didn't he get the messages to kill Hayley?"

"Probably because I'm supposed to kill you too," Hayley said as a gun cocked next to my head, "Surprise?"

A/N: I feel like I should say this sometime, but my chapter titles mean absolutely nothing. They're just lyrics from whatever song I'm listenin. to while I write that chapter.

Chapter Title: Ritual - Black Veil Brides

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