(10) Is This Our Destiny?

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"So," Joe finished, "an officer of the American Government is in hiding with three wanted murderers. Alone. Unarmed."

I frowned, "I have a gun, dude. Pete just took it."

Joe raised an eyebrow, "Wanted murderer. Holding your gun."

"It's not like he'll shoot me!" I cried, exasperated.

Ryan snorted softly, "Pete thinks Patrick is the coolest thing since the internet. Trust me, man. There's no one else on Earth he'd be safer with."

"Yeah!" Brendon agreed happily, "When Pete asked us to come help he said that if we laid a finger on him he's shoot is in the face."

"Point blank," Ryan added helpfully.

"Damn right," Pete grinned from where Andy was giving him a piggy-back-ride around the lobby. My heart flipped happily in my chest.

"So what's the plan?" Andy asked, shoving Pete onto an empty booth. Everyone's turned to look at me.

"Wait, what?" I blinked, "I don't know. Pete's done everything. I'm just a kidnap victim."

"Oh, hey, no. I so did not kidnap you. This is consented shit right here." he scowled, pushing himself up on his elbows to glare at me.

"Right, sorry. I forgot that gagging me and dragging me out of my apartment building was consent."

"Kinky," Brendon whispered. Ryan smacked his arm.

"Oh come on. There were no actual gags. And besides, if I hadn't dragged you out that orange haired girl would've shot you in a second."

"Wait," Joe interrupted, "Hayley?"

"Yeah. Why?" I asked.

"We sent her to go make sure you were okay. Not to kill you."

"Dude!" Pete cried, "What part of 'wanted murderer' do you not understand?"

"We didn't know Patrick was with you when we sent her!" Andy defended.

I suddenly felt sick, "Where was she? When you guys left?"

Joe frowned slightly, "Still at your apartment, I guess."

"Don't you think she would have called and told you guys I was missing?" Joe and Andy slowly looked at each other.

"We have a problem," Andy said after a moment.

"That doesn't sound good," Pete muttered.

"Hayley is a highly trained government spy," Joe started.

Ryan looked unimpressed, "And?"

"Government phones have specialized GPS signals in them, so if the agent is underwater, or underground, even if the phone is broken, it could be tracked." The room went silent.

"She's coming," Pete whispered. Andy and Joe nodded slowly.

"And now we're all traitors to the American government." Brendon said, subdued for the first time since I'd met him. That sent a slight panic into Joe.

"I knew I never should've gotten caught up with Wentz," he grumbled.

"So what's the plan?" I asked after a few minutes of heavy silence. Everyone stared at me. "Well come on! We can't just sit here and sign a death warrant! What's the plan?"

Pete looked at me with a strange expression, "You know, ever since I picked you up outside the bureau, you've been taking this with ease. You haven't panicked or called anyone once, even though I gave you plenty of opportunities to."

I shrugged. Leave it, Pete. Please, just let it go. You don't know what you're getting into,

But Pete just continued staring, "You're not an agent of the Y.B.C." he said calmly, "You're not an American agent at all."

I closed my eyes, "Pete," I warned, "Please stop."

Everyone else shared a glance, "Pete?" Joe finally asked, "Are you okay?"

"Patrick's been an agent for years..." Andy said slowly.

Pete never took his eyes off me, "How long? Exactly how long has he been an agent?"

"Since before me," Joe shrugged. Andy said nothing, but he turned to look at me too. "Andy?" Joe asked, concerned.

"April 23," he said, "2009. Captain Michael Way walked him into the Director's office himself. He came out 15 minutes later and introduced himself as Patrick Stump, and that he transferred from the Ohio division.

Ryan and Brendon looked severely uncomfortable, "We'll just, uh, go wait...in the kitchen,  Brendon coughed awkwardly, grabbing Ryan's hand and fleeing.

"Patrick?" Joe asked uncertainly, "Are...is this true?"

My eyes were still closed, "You guys don't know what you're getting into." I whispered.

"Then tell us, Patrick. Who are you?" Pete insisted.

I shook my head, "I'm no one."

I heard Pete open his mouth to argue, "I'm no one," I repeated, "Because I'm dead."

A/N: Ho-o-ly shit what did I just do. So the ending is probably coming soon, 3 more chapters at most, I would think. Maybe more if I split one into parts. Actual peterick action is coming as well, sooner or later. I've been pretty lacking in this story. Such a shame.

Chapter Title: Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance

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