I Saw Myself On That Bed...

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My father was my best friend ever since I was little. My mom died when I was 8 and so he was all I had. One day, when I was 10, Severe depression hit him bad. He ended up killing himself. Since I had no parents I went to live with my Aunt and Uncle in Orlando Florida. I started middle school there, I had no friends to start off with. After a few months I had made many friends, a bunch of best friends and true friends. Everything was going good until one night I started having dreams about my mom. In my dreams she would tell me she missed me and she wanted me to hug her. But when I would try to hug her, it felt like I was trapped in a nightmare. I felt something holding me back. I kept having these nightmares, and I started getting weaker since I stopped eating. My aunt and uncle became concerned. They would try to help me but I never got any better. I suffered from depression and insomnia and I had lost so much weight that I became 28 pounds underweight. I soon ended up not eating completely. I became more depressed and started cutting my wrists. My friends didn't notice anything was wrong until I started loosing so much weight and growing weaker and weaker every day. One day when we were walking to our 3rd period I started feeling a little dizzy and I couldn't see. Then everything went blank. After a while I could finally see, but it felt different. I ended up in a room. I heard a loud beep and saw people with tears in their eyes. My aunt was kneeling beside a bed with someone in it and my uncle next to her, hugging her and crying with her. I looked around and saw my friends crying. I asked them what was wrong plenty of times, but they didn't respond. As I looked at the bed, I saw me. I saw my lifeless body laying there and everyone crying around me. I screamed as loud as I could, but no one could hear me. I accepted the fact that my time here was done and I had to go. I gave each of them a hug and I could see their faces in surprise as if they heard me whisper ¨I love you, Thank you for being here for me, never forget me.¨ I turned to see them one more time. Then I left, to a new world, where I now belong.

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