Fame And Fortune

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Hello and welcome to my new story,

'Fame and Fortune'


You can however add me into your library and wait for me to start this story...OR read one of my short stories and completed books!

This story will be full of humor/comedy and romance(like my other stories).

I am the owner of copyright in 'Hollywood Hearts'.

As copyright owner, I have a number of exclusive rights under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). These exclusive rights include the right to reproduce the Work, and to publish and communicate the Work to the public (including by way of sale, broadcast or putting the Work online). It is an infringement of copyright to do any of the acts comprised in the copyright in relation to the whole or a substantial part of the Work, or to authorise such an act, without the permission or licence of the copyright owner.

This story is:PG-13(Involves romance-but no sexy time lol-and Profanities)

If you have never read one of my works then please go read one and ..

that is all lovelies!


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