Scene 1,Take 1,Action!

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(2)Scene 1,Take 1,Action!

Julianna Fortay

After Trevor stormed out that night,I just thought of every possibility of him never coming back.

But I think he was just angry..Trevor would never do that to me.

"Hey mom what's for dinner?"I asked,As I descended the stairs.

"I am sorry dear.What did you say?"She replied.

I forgot to talk like a 'proper young lady.'

She pretends she doesn't hear me so I "talk right."

"Mother,what is for dinner?"I corrected myself.

"That's more like it.."I heard her mutter.

"Charles is cooking Thai today.Is that fine?"

"Yes."I answered before turning around and going out the back door.

"Hello Jane."I smiled,waving at our gardener.

"Hello dear.How are you?"She asked me.

"I am wonderful.How are you?"

"I am wonderful as well,thank you for asking."


"Mae!"I screamed,running towards the little tod.

"Hi Julianna!I missed you!"Mae grinned.

Mae is three years old and her mom is Jane.

Jane is only 28 and her boyfriend broke up with her after the birth.

He gets Mae for two weeks a month so I haven't really seen her since well three weeks ago.

Jane lives here since we have room,she manages the garden,pool,and fountains.

"I missed you too princess!"I hugged her tightly.

"We need to play tea party."

I nodded and she took my hand,bringing me to the guest house.

The guest house has 7 rooms,8 bathrooms,a medium sized kitchen,dining area,and a big backyard.

The main butler,maid,and cook live in our house while the other two live here along with the other cooks,Jane and Mae,and their children.

The backyard has a kiddie pool that is half a foot deep with swings,slides,and a trampoline with a net.

I think it's cute since all of their kids are under 5.

Our land has a lot of space,even with my huge house and the guest house,we still have room for more stuff!

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