5: Lip Sync Battle and Dirty Jokes | T.H

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You and your boyfriend Tom were sitting on the couch,  browsing through Youtube, when a video popped up on your recommended.

Lip Sync Battle - Tom Holland

Tom saw this and his eyes widened. "I really don't think we should watch that, Y/N!"
"I really think we should, Tom!" You clicked on the video. Tom groaned and buried his red face into your neck.

As the video started, you raised your eyebrows. "Tom, you are a lot better at dancing than you let on!"
Tom just mumbled something you couldn't understand.

He ran behind the wall of umbrellas on the video. When he emerged, clad in spandex, your eyes widened and jaw dropped (harder than the beat amirite). You choked and began to giggle. Hearing this, Tom groaned and buried his face further into your neck, making you blush. After a minute of Tom showing off his moves, you stopped laughing. Tom was literally twerking on Zendaya (@ whoever was on Tom's livestream a couple days ago with the username twerkingtom I love you).

"Um, Tom?"

Tom actually looked the screen for the first time, realising why you had stopped laughing. "Yes, Y/N?"

"Why, why, why are you..."

"Don't even think it, Y/N." He paused the video.


"You know I would never be disloyal to you. Zendaya is just one of my best friends. And yours, for that matter. She would never do that to you. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you Tom."

You smiled and started the video again.

Tom was covered in water from dancing around in it.

You bit your lip, which Tom noticed and his breath hitched in his throat. He brushed your hair to one side with his fingers and kissed your neck. You kept your eyes trained on the screen. He did a really impressive flip and you smiled.

"Woah! You're really flexible Tom!"

"You already knew that, babe." Tom chuckled.

You turned around and smacked his arm. "Tom! You are so dirty minded."

"Tell me something I don't know, Y/N." He whispered in your ear.

"What I want to know is how you did that when it was so slippy."

"I've had practice."

You raised your eyebrows, not catching on straightaway. When you thought about what he said, you gasped and covered your mouth with your hand. "TOM!"

"Yes, darling?" (mmmff kill me I use that word all the time because I'm British as haha)

"Oh my life stop you are making me melt."


You gulped.


"Tom, stop, you are actually killing me."

"Baby girl."

Your E/C (eye colour for the new kids on the block) eyes opened so wide Tom thought they were going to pop out of your skull. Before he could continue, you smashed your lips onto his to shut him up.

When you broke the kiss and looked back at the video, it had finished.

"I'm so surprised I haven't seen that before now."

"But you've definitely seen my..."


"I was going to say you've definitely seen my dancing! Who's the dirty minded one now?"

You blushed and looked at the floor while he laughed.

(A cute little short one for you all)

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