5 group chat

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Group chat unnamed

Jack/ Conor/ Mikey/ Josh/ Joe/ Caspar/ Sophie/ Maddie/ Yasmin/ Liz/ Cheryl

Caspar: I made a group chat!

Joe: didn't even bother to name it

Caspar: well we are the buttercreams but the girls aren't so I don't know

Liz: our agents call us the beauts when we are at shoots so that's kind of our name now

Yasmin: ^^^

Sophie: so what's buttercreams and beauts together

Mikey: butterbeauts

Josh: beautcreams

Cheryl: 😂😂

Cheryl: well there shit

Jack: we could make up a new name

Conor: who's creative enough to make one up

Mikey: I am

Joe: no

Caspar: ^^^

Conor: instead of individually going ^^  this is for everyone ^^^

Liz: don't be mean to Mikey say it nicely

Jack: Mikey u make the name we will have the shittest name ever, EVER  that nice enough

Yasmin: your all mean

Sophie: I know they are

Liz: so are u

Liz: you ate my McDonalds

Josh called the group chat: Sophie the mcdonalds stealer

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