15 Sophie, texts

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Sophies pov

I feel like me and jack dont see each other nearly as much as any of the other couples in our group. I feel like he has more time for his friends (the lads) than me. He has his own flat so he stays there half the time. My job being a model and his YouTube do take up a lot of the time to be fair.

Jacks lease for his flat is over in a a few weeks and typical Jack hasn't even started look for places yet so I might ask him to move in. His lease ends on the 9th of December which is also my birthday and a week and 3 days  after Maddie and Caspar move in so it will be like triple the gift and i would see him more.

These are the things instagram doesn't see. They think me and Jack are perfect and see each other all day long but we don't . They think that we basically live at each others house because we are there all the time in snapchats, in reality he will come to mine at 10pm then I have to leave in the morning or vice versa. I do see him don't get me wrong but not enough and I miss him even if I do see him basically every night it hard to explain unless you've been there, are there or you are magical and get what I mean through all the rambles.

I'm going to ask him to move in because I'm a rebel and why not lmao.

Soph xx
Jack? Xxx

Yess... xxx

Soph xx
You know when Casp and Mads move in xxx

Yeah xx

Soph xx
Well do u want to as well cos I miss you xxx

Miss me? You see me everyday xxx

Soph xx
Yeah shut up I just do x do u want to then xxx

Hmmm... I will have to think xxx

Can I put up with u everyday xxxx

Tricky xxx

Soph xx
Hahaha :| as you just pointed out we see each other every day so I think the answer to that question is yes xxxx

True xxxx

And id love to move in with you xxxx

Soph xx
I thought u were gonna say no then x I got worried xxx

U thought I'd say no to moving in with ya x are u mad xx fucking doyle xx

Soph xx
Shut it xxxx

Sorry if Sophies pov thing is really bad i didn't really know what to say lol xx

Hope you enjoyed though I feel like making the story end bad it will probably end at 50 parts though so not for a bit yet but I might make like a hard test for one of the relationships but I'll decide when I write it who and if they will get through it idk yet thoughhhh

Its either that or something else that's really exciting that I'm not gonna share or it will wreck it x x

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