7 maddies pov

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Maddies pov
My day:
Wake up to 2 texts, 1 from zayn 1 from Perrie. Of course I open Zayns first it reads 'Maddie I don't want to be with u anymore fuck off with all your new mates I'm with Perrie again'. As soon as I read that I knew what Perrie would be saying. Haha bitch I got zayn back or now u know how it feels to get your boyfriend stole off you. I angrily open her message which read 'I fucking hate u, u stole my boyfriend so i stole him back' I quickly type back whilst tears dropped down my face. 'I never stole zayn off u , u and him had been done for ages when we got together u just couldnt deal with the fact that he was with me and not u the only boyfriend stealer here is u, u got what u wanted so fuck off and enjoy the sex which u faked as your song said'
I slammed my phone on my side table and did the same with my bed but In my bed. I laid there for a few seconds before the tears came out
Then after all that I lounged around all day until Sophie texted me. I had ignored all group chats and phone calls becuase cbaaaa. But this text was different apparently she knew so I just answered.
Soph got all the girls around and Caspar came becuase he was with Yasmin and Liz so.
We ate pizza and ice cream whilst gossiping and watching movies. We sat on my sofa in order like this
Yas then Caspar then me then cherry then soph then liz. Clueless ended and Caspar got up to go to the toilet. My eyes followed him until he was around the corner and out of sight. That's when I realised. I don't care about zayn, I care about Caspar. I don't love zayn, I love caspar.
"Omg!" I exclaim
"What? Is everything okay" Yasmin askes looking concerned
"Shh whisper" I say
Everyone looks confused
"I don't like zayn, I like caspar" I say forgetting to whisper
"You... like me" Caspar says shyly coming around the corner.
I go tomato red. Then cherry comes out with "Its fate!"
Cherry is very positive and a cutesie pie so she makes everyone happy when there sad makes everything awkward not and brings light in any situation.
All the girls decide to go to home and let me and Caspar talk it over and apparently he likes me also. A bad day turning good. We are going on a few dates before anything don't worry. I'm happy.

Yo it's like 2 am, 2:09 to be exact  but I'm writing loads of posts to post duhhh but I don know when they will go up yet cos I want them up soon so you have something to read and the story carries on but then I don't want to post them all. Whilst writing that I have decided that I will post tem cos Yolo (I can't believe I've just said Yolo oml😂)

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