16 3 weeks forward

194 1 0

Jack pov
It's 1 day until Sophies bday. Maddie, Caspar and I have a surprise today. Me and Soph are going Brighton today as her parents have moved there and they want to see her and she will be seeing my family then we are going on a date. Conor, joe, Maddie, Caspar and Liz have all said they are busy during the day of her birthday so they have planned a night out. Maddie and Liz have a shoot so they are pretending its on for later than it is and Joe Caspar and conor have pretended that they are going to be filming all day as they have to pre-film, she doesn't really understand YouTube that much so she just said that's fine. Really, they are all taking my stuff and Maddie and Caspar in her flat and me Yasmin Jordan and his sister Megan who has became really good friend of ours has to distract her tomorrow.

They are starting today when we are in Brighton and we are staying there over night and are driving home tomorrow at 6 so she is getting ready at home so they have to be completely done. We are driving and I asked if we could go on a drive before we go home to give them more time and them suprise her.

Here it goes.

Caspars pov

What time are you leaving?

Right now actually I'm waiting for Sophie to put her shoes on


"Right" I shouted to everyone when I walked into the living room where they were sat. "They are leaving now so get your cars filled up and we will drive over slowly incase they havent left but jack will text you if they havent" I say as Maddie and Liz stand up.

"Earth to conor and joe" Maddie says waving her hand in front if there hands.

They all stand up and we pack things. Conor and Joe drive Conors car to get jacks stuff so it's just me and the girls taking mine and mads stuff.

4 hours later.
We have all the boxes now. We got tired be for so we order pizza and watched tv until it came.

"We seriously gonna sit and eat pizza?" I asked without getting an answer. "It takes people more than 1 and a bit days to get 3 people stuff in one house so we should really get a move on"

It was my idea to do this suprise as Sophie thought we were movin later on and was not looking forward to unpacking the boxes. Tut tut lazy anyway I want it to work properly so I'm being really serious.

The next day- 5:00

Conors pov

We have an hour before Jack and Sophie set off back and it takes around 1hour 50 or like 2 hours so they will get back at what roughly 8:00 then Jack made up some crap about wanting to go on a drive around Brighton or London I cant remember but either way that will be around 30-45 mins so let's just say 8:45. But now I've stopped being a clock I'm going to carry on. We all have to be at Sophies so we can all surprise her then we are going out for a night out then in the morning we are going for brunch somewhere Jack has planned it and then there having a party 2 nights in a row babyyy.

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