The New Student?

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My eyes are amazed by who was the new student. All the girls were over him, I was a bit jealous. I guess I haven't been completely honest. Youngjae was my crush, but yet... I think I also have emotions for Mark too. Youngjae was then introducing himself and he was the real Youngjae that I knew. He then went to sit next to my brother where I usually sit, but since I was with other friends I changed it. I acted a bit quieter, so he doesn't notice it was me, but at the same time I wanted him to know it was me. I didn't know how to react, but I didn't answer any question to what the teacher asked. Everyone was kinda weirded out and wondering about me. He's the boy who helped me out, does he even remember me? Questions were all over my head, but I tried to focus on the work. I sighed. I tried my best to avoid him.

Sadly my brother and his friends became all friends. I had to avoid them as possible. It was lunch time and unlucky my brother and his friends were there at my locker. I looked over to see them, then a tap on my shoulder was touched. I jumped and looking over to see it was Mark. I sighed in relief.

"Y/N? What's wrong with you?" said Mark. I blushed but looked away. I was about to run when Mark caught my hand. He pinned me against the wall, but not hard enough that I couldn't escape. I could have easily got away from him, but I stayed still. I was more relaxed.

"*Sigh* You know a bit about Youngjae right?" I asked. I thought he already know about him. Yet to his answer was strangely weird.

"Youn...who?" asked Mark.

"Youngejae, the new boy who is with my brother and his friends," I said.

"Oh... I haven't met the guy... Did he do something to you?" asked Mark.

"I-It's not like that... actually... he helped me out a lot and I don't know how to talk to him." I said. Mark looks a bit pissed. I could tell with his teeth and his hand was in a fist. He tried to hide the fact. 'Wait why would Mark be mad at from me saying that?' I thought.

"Hehe... what do you mean by that? Almost sounds like you have a crush on him..." He said in a jealous tone.

"Oh! It's not like that! If so I have a crush on someone else--" I said realizing what I said. 'SH!T! WAIT!? I think I do like Mark...' I thought. Closing my mouth with both of my hands. Lucky Jackson interrupted us.

"OOOH!! Mark did you finally tell her??" asked Jackson. Mark blushed but went over and playfully punched him. I started to giggle. I didn't know what he meant. I then looked up to see Youngejae. Our eyes met with each other. I didn't talk first, but I knew that he recognized me. His eyes are shocked to see me. I was about to say something. I didn't know what to say, but before I started he spoke before me.

"Y/N... Is that really you?" He asked.

"Youngejae... I thought you died!" I said tears in my eyes, but not coming out.

"Well actually... I came back to life as soon as you left. I don't know how I did, but it was a miracle." said Youngejae. "But wow you've changed! You look more beautiful."

"What were you saying I wasn't beautiful before?" I said teasing.

"Yes, I totally was trying to say that! You looked cute, but now you're beautiful." He said teasing. We both started to laugh. I felt a bit stupid for not talking to him before. He really hasn't changed.

We all got along with each other. When we were going back to our lockers. I went with Youngejae and Mark since our lockers were the closest to each other. On the way there I saw a familiar face. That guy... he was the one who gave me that drink!? He noticed me too. I stopped and he stopped. We went to each other.

"Wait aren't you..." We both said to each other.

"You're the one who brought that alcohol." He said.

"So you are that guy," I said.

"Yeah, but honestly I wish I could have stopped you. Are you ok after that? You didn't do anything stupid did you?" He asked.

"Don't worry thanks to my friend, he helped me out," I said.

"Oh thank god," He said sighing.

"Oh, I'm Y/N," I said.

"I'm Park Jin Younge, but you can call me JR," said JR.

"Ok, JR. Oh yeah, why are you walking alone?" I asked.

"I don't really have that many friends." He said.

"Oh... Hey, are you heading to History?" I asked. He nods in reply. "I'm heading there too do you wanna come with us?"

"Oh really? Thanks!" He said.

(A/N: Umm I know this was kinda short and I'm sorry about that. But something came up and I really need some time to think about things...

School is also coming up soon and I need to prepare for that... sorry about that)

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