Chapter Seven: A new friend! Yuuki Yuri debuts!

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3rd Person}
Yuri walked down the road and spotted Sayuri sat on a bench reading a book. Next to her was a white haired girl and a small brunette girl.

"Hi!" she said.

"You look just like me! Who are you?" Sayuri asked.

"I'm Yuuki Yuri. Call me Yui."

*Sayuri's POV*
I just got a flashback of two tubes with two girls in them.

'Who are the girls?'

(Opening: Happy! Go! Shining Flower Pretty Cure!)

*Yuri's POV*

"Did you have a flashback of two tubes with two girls in them?" Sayuri asked.

"Yes."  I said.

Does she know that she's a clone?

A young boy walked up to us. 

"Hello girls. Come forth, Sakebu!"
My Heart Crystal was stolen.

*Aoka's POV*

"Yui! Let's transform!"

(Eye catch A: A chibi Sayuri, Rika and Aoka kiss their pendants and transform into Pretty Cure. Eye catch B: A small box shines and reveals a shining key which the Cures kiss to turn their mascots to humans).

We transformed.

"Pretty Cure Miracle Change!" we said.

"The pink flower of love, Cure Lily!" said Sayuri.

"The purple flower of friendship, Cure Jasmine!" Rika said.

"The blue flower of wisdom, Cure Bluebell!" I said.

"Together!" said Sayuri.

"With shining hearts!" said Rika.

"And flower power!" I said.

"We are Shining Flower Pretty Cure!"

We launched our attacks.

"Lily Hurricane!" said Cure Lily.

"Jasmine Flurry!" said Cure Jasmine.

"Bluebell Storm!" I said. The monster dodged our attacks.

"Pretty Cure Miracle Change!"
A huge cherry blossom appeared in front of us.

"The red flower of passion! Cure Cherry Blossom!" she said.

"Cherry Blossom Tornado!"

The Sakebu was purified and Cure Cherry Blossom detransformed. In a blink of an eye, she had vanished.

We detransformed.

"I'll remember this!" Kuro said.

(Ending: In The Flower Filled Sky!)

Rose: Who's Cure Cherry Blossom~ro?

Rika: I think she's our ally.

Sayuri: How many Pretty Cures are there in total?

Daisy: Five~da!

Yuri: Next Time: The mysterious Cure! Who is Cure Cherry Blossom?

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