That makes three

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Kanan sat in the turret gun of the Ghost, eyes closed as he rested against the controls. He was exhausted. Sleep had been difficult for him lately. It was always the same nightmare. Zeb getting killed, Ezra's orange eyes and the thought of Kanan being forced to kill Ezra.
Kanan's eyes opened as he shuddered.
'Why did this happen?' Kanan asked himself.
'Because you couldn't save him in time.'
The truth hit him like a brick. It was entirely correct. If they'd found Ezra in time, none of this would be happening.
Zeb wouldn't be dead, and most importantly, Ezra would be with them again. Just thinking of the boy brought tears to Kanan's eyes. Brushing them away with the back of his hand, Kanan stared out to space. He knew it was pointless to cry, but it relieved a bit of the pain in his heart.
The hiss of a door made him look round. Hera was standing there, head bowed and sniffing.
"Hey, you doing okay?" Kanan asked, straighting and turning right round.
What he saw next made his heart stop. Hera's eyes were red and her face was tear streaked.
"It's Sabine" she said in a choked voice.
"What about her?"
"The Phantom's gone and so is she. She left a note saying she'd had enough. She's gone to get Ezra back and won't return until she does."

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