zreshlie and tara!!!♡♡♡

154 8 183

ME: ok everyone MORE DARES!!!!

Everyone except jon: *groans*

Jon : yeah! Wait should I be upset

Ashlie : jon your too innocent

Me : DARE FROM Chara809 ashlie~chan and nick~kun *snaps finger closet appears* go in for 7 minutes!

Nick : what why me?

Ashlie : please no...

Uni and cory : * push Ashlie and nick into closet* JUST GET IT OVER WITH!

Me : while they are in there anyone else want to play DBD?

Jon,uni,cory : yeah!

??? : *breaks down door* I WANT TO PLAY TOO!

Jon : hi!

Tommy : another worm?

Me : tommy~kun don't be mean or I will stab you chara~chan is my friend!

Tommy : vright vright......

Chara : so can I play?

Me: of course!

Cory : well let's play!

Me : uni~chan try and be less salty this time!

Uni : ......
________in da closet__________
Ashlie : *blushes and is red as a tomato* so what do we do until it's over

Zres : I don't know.....

Ashlie : it's cold...nick can I sit next to you?

Zres: of course

Ashlie : *kisses nick on cheek* thank you that's alot better

Zres :*slowly turns into a strawberry color* y-your welcome ashlie...
-------outside of closet--------------

Me : guys 7 minutes are up let's see what they are doing *opens closet they are both sleeping ashlie leaning on his shoulder* I don't want to wake them.....

Chara : YA I WIN!!!!*jumps through window being chased by uni and cory*

Cory: that's unfair you cheated!

Uni : how is it even possible to kill the killer?!?

Me : *closes closet* SHHHHHH OR ELSE YOUR ALL DEAD!

Everyone : *sits down*

Me : ok so we are going to play truth or dare!

Chara : .....ok *sits down*

Me : *sits next to chara*

Jon : uh I'll sit next to chara *sits next to chara*

Me : *twitches and takes out knife* Jon~senpai come sit next to me!

Jon : uh ok... *runs over and sits next to phoenix*

Me : Everyone else get in the circle!

Everyone : *sits in circle with two empty spots for ashlie and nick*

Me : *teleports nick and ashlie next to eachother in there spots* ok time to play truth or dare!

Chara : phoenix t or d?

Me : dare!

Chara : scream your favourite ship!

Me : well other than me and jon then it would be ZRESHLIE!!!!

Ashlie and nick: *blushing*

Me : ok my turn! Tommy t or d?

Tommy : truth! I don't trust you with your last dare you worm!

Me : fine who's your crush?

Tommy :well i...*blushes* I like that cream weasel *points to chara*



Chara : *blushes* shut it!

Tommy : ok cory t or d?

Cory : truth!

Tommy : who do you like more shelby or uni?

Cory : uni duh I wouldn't my ears to bleed 24/7!


Cory : chara t or d?

Chara : dare!

Cory : *evil smirk* I dare you to make out with tommy for 10 seconds!

Chara : ok *kisses tommy*

Tommy :*kisses back*

Everyone :*taking pictures*

Tommy : *pulls back*

Chara : ok were done...

Me : ok guys game is done now check your phones *sends picture of tara*

Chara : PHOENIX!!! *takes  knife out and chases*


Jon : uh bye people!

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