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Me : Jax I will kill you again shut up or else this is my time away from you so go bother somebody else!

Jax : *whispers* it's impossible to do anything else with all your curses...

Me : what was that jax?

Jax : nothing I was going to go talk to fluffy...yeah fluffy *runs off*

Me : he's up to something *calls wolfy*

Wolfy : *picks up* hey..

Me : I'm bored and my bro is up to something can figure out what?

Wolfy : sure

Me : bring nick with you....

Wolfy : why nick?

Me : cause he's bored too....

Zres : YEAH!!!!

~~~meanwhile with jax~~~

Jax :so you like phoenix right?

Fluffy : yeah...why?

Jax : well she wanted to ask you on a date!

Fluffy : ok where?

Jax : at the movie theaters!

Fluffy : when?

Jax : on Saturday. ((it's only thursday))

Fluffy : ok tell her I'll see her then!

Jax : ok bye!*walks over to ashlie*

Ashlie : wait phoenix really asked her out the ship is sailing?!

Jax : shhhh ashlie no I set them up I'm going to tell ship fluffy asked her out so they think they were asked out and I rigged the movie theater and have a whole plan set up!

Ashlie : so your helping them...can I help?

Jax : of course!

~~~wolfy and nick~~~
Wolfy : I can't hear them who is with jax?

Zres: ashlie so it should mean they aren't doing anything bad but if he dare lay a finger on her he's dead!

Wolfy : shhhh let's just tell phoenix that he isn't doing anything ok?

Zres : ok! *starts heading back*

Wolfy :*follows nick*
Ashlie : hey phoenix *walks up to phoenix waving*

Me : hey ashlie! What's up?

Ashlie : nothing except fluffy told me to ask you on a date for her...

Me : r - really? *blushing*

Ashlie : yeah she said at the movies on Saturday she asked you to pick her up at 6:00

Me : tell her I said I'll be there *has smile on face*

Ashlie : will do! *heads over into jaxs room* she said ok now tell me the plan!

~~~ you thought I would tell you the plan not yet hahaha!!!~~~

Ashlie : got it can I bring a few people to help?

Jax : yeah of course...

Ashlie : ok see ya jax!

Jax : see ya ashlie!

Zres : what were you doing with Jax

Ashlie : discussing secret plans....

Zres : tell me....

Ashlie I will on Saturday ok?

Zres : fine....

I wanted to do a flip page and want to make sure I can find a way to get payback on Jax he wrote part of this too so tell me how should I get pay back on Jax

Jax : NUUU

To late see ya guys!!!

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