another friend, FROZRES and a flirt war?

150 7 71

Me : SCREEEEEEEEE EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE EXCEPT JON~SENPAI, JON~SENPAI HIDE FROM ME TODAY THERE IS A CUTE DARE AND A SCARY DARE AND A NEW FRIEND *drum roll* first dare is from thunderwolf_wolfy so wolfy tell them your dare then chara tell me the dare I have to do

Wolfy : frozres I want frozres to happen

Zres : wait me with tommy?

Tommy : I don't want to kiss a
That cream weasel

Me : do it tommy~kun OR ELSE

Tommy : what if I don't?

Me : I'll kill you

Tommy : vright vright *kisses nick*
Does that make you happy your royal freakiness?

nick : *blushing*

me : ok so the next dare is yandere mode but im already yandere mode chara

chara: your not in full yandere mode

me : change me back afterwards

chara : *activates full yandere mode on phoenix*

me : jon you can come out its ok i wont hurt you~

jon : OH GOD!!!!

me : *stabs chara* come on jon we can be friends cant we or maybe even more~

chara : why me first?

jon : i like uh...... i like uni or cory anyone else!!!!

me : f-FiNe If I hAvE tO kIlL eVeRyOnE tHaN sO bE iT!!!!

Jon : AGH IM SORRY GUYS!!!*runs*

Me : RAGHH EVERYONE WILL DIE *eyes turn red and black kills everyone except jon*


me : s...senpai im so s...sorry....

chara : *turns everything back to normal*

me : *go into a corner and cries*

wolfy : she will be fine right?

chara : dont know lets finish the dares! the last one is from JJBlueyy to have zreshlie in a flirt war!!!!

zreshlie : wait what?

wolfy : *locks all doors so no one can leave*

chara : ashlie can go first then nick

tommy, uni and blue : go nick!

jon , dawn , cory : GO ASHLIE!!!!

me : *still in corner crying*



a : are you a magnet cause your attractive

n : hey , people call me nick but you can call me tonight

a :where is your favourite place in the world mine is right next to you

n : do you have a name or can i call you mine?

a : i don't want to blink I'm afraid to miss a second of your cuteness

n : somebody call god he's missing a angel!!!

a : do you like sailing cause id ship me and you anyday

n :you must be a broom cause you just swept me off my feet!

a : your like the lyrics to my favourite song hard to forget and always on my mind

n : i think I'm dying cause I'm looking at heaven

a : did the sun just come out or did you just smile

n : do you have a map cause im getting lost in your eyes!!

wolfy and chara : they both won!!!

ashlie : can we leave now??

wolfy : of course *unlocks all doors*

zres: *grabs ashlies hand* lets go see a movie

ashlie : uh ok *blushing*

Me : somebody else do the altro I'm just going to stay here *still in corner crying*

wolfy : leave dares and asks for us

chara: and ask and we will add you in but here are three people that are being put in here again there will!!

JJBlueyy FluffyMini Smoky_Smith see ya soon!!!

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