Hersey-Tastic Birthday Adventure (Liam)

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A/N: I recently visited Hersey, Pennsylvania with my family and I'm writing true things that they have there, so if you're planning on going soon and don't want it to be spoiled by me please don't read this.  I don't like ruining surprises but if anyone ever thinks about going it'd be so worth it. 


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The One Direction lads decided to take Liam to Hersey, Pennsylvania for his birthday as everyone knows how much he loves his chocolate, even have said himself was his favorite food.  They hadn't told him where they were going, only what to pack.  When they landed, Liam's mouth went to the floor as he had heard of a place, surrounded by chocolate.  He gave each of the lads a hug, of course getting an extra hug from Niall because of his famous Horan Hugs. 

The first thing they did was go to their hotel they'd be staying at, which was The Famous Hershey Hotel

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The first thing they did was go to their hotel they'd be staying at, which was The Famous Hershey Hotel.   Liam was so overwhelmed by the scenery, from the street lights looking like Hersey Chocolate Kisses, to the brushes saying Hersey Cocoa and everything being pretty much named after Hersey.

After they got their things settled in their hotel room, they decided to go to Hersey's Chocolate World

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After they got their things settled in their hotel room, they decided to go to Hersey's Chocolate World.  Liam was in Heaven with all the chocolate which was surrounding him, he couldn't wait to eat some.  They all got their picture taken, making funny faces as usual as it wouldn't be a 1D photo any other way, before they got on the ride to show them how chocolate was made.  Liam was wanting chocolate more and more as they took them through the tour, probably even more than Niall loves food.  He was so thankful to be given a chocolate sample at the end.   He ate it before the other lads could even get theirs unwrapped.  All the lads laughed at how silly they were in the photos.

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