I'm Happy, I'm Sad, I'm Who? (Louis)

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A/N: Thank You @Jughead-Juggie-Jones for ur request

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A/N: Thank You @Jughead-Juggie-Jones for ur request. Sorry for the wait, I've been so busy these passed couple months. Thanks for ur patience.

Louis' POV

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Louis' POV

Today was a particularly exciting day for as a group because we are doing a big show with close friends of ours, band called McFly. We wanted to do something nice for our fans and theirs as well.  The only thing I have to worry was what has been going on with me lately.  You see I'm one minute happy and the next sad, or something sets me off and I get angry and next I'm acting like nothing happened.  The lads have noticed but I hide the worst of it.  I'd be alone in my hotel room I feel like I can hear things that aren't there which scares me.  I began to shake like I'm having a panic attack but there's nothing to be afraid.  I just really wish I knew what was wrong with me but I'm too scared to ask for help.  I'm afraid they'll think I'm weak.  Well anyway I just hope having the lads from McFly will help me forget how I'm feeling.

Tom, Danny, Harry, and Dougie all walked into our tour bus, where we were just hanging around.  Liam and Harry playing video game, Niall was in the back having a power nap, and I was just messing about on my phone. 

"Hi One Direction!" They all shouted, causing us to all jump a mile. It set me off in one of those moods where I can't explain why it happens to me.

Everyone besides me came out from what they were doing, Niall literally fell out of his bunk causing everyone to laugh.  I would've normally but I wasn't in the mood.  I just stayed on my phone and act if it never happened.  Thankful none of the lads noticed my dampened personality.  We all hangout till it was time for sound check for the show tonight.

Sound check flew by so fast, it didn't even feel like we did one.  Everything flowed so well and I was actually in a great mood, first time today, I just hope it last till after the concert.  But I had a feeling something was going to go wrong, I don't know if it was my gut feeling or me feeling anxious. 

We were all getting ready and I've became disorganized lately, worse than I have before.  I've lost something I've always taken on stage with me, you can say it's my good luck charm, brought out by the fans.  It was a little key chain that had a carrot on it that a fan gave me.  I know it sounds silly but every time I look at it, it reminds me of the time back on X-Factor and how my simple joke blew up and now carrots will never be the same for me.  It's symbol of how we all started out and how we'd be nothing without the fans we have today.  But for some reason I can't remember where I put it and I can't go on with out it.  I began to panic, rustling through my things, throwing everything in sight.  I began to feel tears form in my eyes, afraid I'll never be able to find it again.  I sat down in the corner of my room, rocking back and forth, crying silently to myself till someone had come in.  I didn't bother to look up as I was embarrassed I was crying.  He laid a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a bit.  I slowly looked up to find it was Tom from McFly. 

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