Story Time Not For Me (Liam)

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Liam's POV

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Liam's POV

We were getting reading to go to a local library to read to some kids for National World Book Day. I'm usually all for it but there was a secret that not even the lads knew. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was a child, which mean I have trouble reading and see words differently. I was great at school except when it came to reading, I thought I might out grow it but still to this day struggle with it. I hid it from the lads, afraid they'd make fun of me or think different of me. Now I'm going to have to face one of my worst fears today unless I could get out of it but what could I do? I thought about it for awhile till I came up with it, I'd fake sick and then I'd be able to stay home and my secret would be safe. Now just have to put my plans into action.

  Now just have to put my plans into action

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" ready to go?" Harry yelled to me.

"In a minute." I shouted back.  Here's my only shot.

I walked in where the others are, smiling a bit.  But as I was walking, I stopped and held onto my head.  I act as if I had a headache, which of course I don't but went with it for now. 

" alright mate?" Niall  held onto me as I was still bent over, pretending to have a headache.

"It's just a headache that hit me all of a sudden." I played off as I was fine well technically I was but didn't want to over do it.

"Headaches aren't fun...sorry Payno." Louis laid a hand on my shoulder to help bring comfort to me.

"You think you'll be able to do the library reading with the kids?" Niall questioned with sweet innocent sparkling in his eyes.

I felt guilty and selfish to fake sick just because I have a secret I didn't want any one to find out. Maybe I should confess that I'm faking and apologize. Maybe I could say I could go along but not do the reading because really, I want to be there for the kids.

"I think so...maybe just not do the reading if that's alright...I want to be there for them as they've been looking forward to this." I explained to them.

"If you are okay with that...we don't want you to feel bad." Harry told me but really I was fine.

"Yeah because like I said before...headaches aren't fun thing to have and with all the kids there...might effect your head more." Louis said, trying to have me second guess myself from going.

"I'll be fine...and plus I'll let one of you know if I feel worse." I explained and they all seem to be okay with that.


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They all went to the library where they were holding National World Book Day for the kids. All of 1D kept a close eye on Liam, their fellow band mate, friend, and brother. They all care about each other and try to help one when they're down.

Liam was still concerned about how this was all going to turn out. He knew he wasn't going to have to read but he still had this guilt he had to live with for faking. It was also effecting the way his stomach feeling, cramping up with selfishness.

They all announced to the kids that Liam had a bit of a headache but wanted to be here for them all. They all nodded with sadness except for the really young kids, to young to understand. They read books to all the kids till they split off to different age groups to read more to their level of attention. Harry had 9-12, Louis had 5-8, and Niall and Liam had 0-4. Niall picked out a book he thought all would like, Finding Nemo. He began to read it when a boy around the age of two sat beside Liam, making grabby hands for him to pick him up. He did and the little boy stared into his eyes then back at Niall who was reading still. Liam was glad to get out of reading but his stomach still was upset and knew he'd need to use the toilet soon but he couldn't leave the young lad.

Liam made it through the whole story but when Niall was done he knew he needed to use the toilet ASAP. Thankful the little lad went on to other things because once he was gone, Liam was out of there, in search of a toilet. He found one and was soon releasing out what he had in his stomach. The rest of the lads soon found him.

"Hey buddy...why didn't you tells you were feeling worse?" Harry questioned curiously.

"It just happened...I believe it's from guilt." He said bashfully with his head looking to the ground.

"What do you mean from's not your fault you aren't feeling well." Niall commented.

"Yeah it is...I faked being sick...not because I didn't want to be here but for what we were going to be doing." Liam still couldn't looked at the lads as he spoke as the guilt was rising more.

"What...why would fake sick then when you wanted to be here...what could possibly made you want to fake sick?" Louis said with a bit stern voice but still compassionate for Liam as he was actually sick.

"I have a secret that only my family and my teachers at school knew...I was diagnosed at a young age with dyslexia...which means I struggle with reading and things look different causing it harder for me to understand...I'm so sorry for faking...I feel so selfish." Liam was now in tears as he continued to wrap his arms around his aching stomach.

"Aww...Li...if you would've of told us we could of help you...we never would make fun of you for it." Niall said as he gave him a big hug.

They all agreed that they'd help Liam if he began to struggle as that what friends were for. They finished the reading at the library before heading back to tour bus. Liam stomach still act up for a couple of days but soon was feeling back to normal. He was glad to shared his secret with the lads and knowing they're there for him.

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