Hiatus Isn't Fun Anymore (Niall)

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A/N: Thank You Sincewearealone  for your request and happy to write it

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A/N: Thank You Sincewearealone for your request and happy to write it. Hope you like it 😊

Niall's POV

I'm getting really nervous now because this Saturday is going to be the first night of my Flicker World Tour. It's going to be in Killarney, Ireland. I know I've already done the Flicker Session last year but still doesn't get over the fact of how much I miss the lads and wish I was touring these songs with them but I knew that wasn't going to be happening.  I knew why also it has been harder because me preparing for this world tour left me less time to keep up with the lads.  I'm trying to stay focus and work, work, work till I have nothing left in me to not think of how much I miss the lads, my best friends. 

Doing all this extra rehearsal since the tour starts this weekend, has taken a great toll on my body.  I've been feel a bit run down, exhausted all the time but figured I just need some extra sleep but knew there wasn't much time for that. 

I woke up the day before opening night of my tour with an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. I slowly emerged from my bed with a tickle in my throat until I let out a cough. I felt chills run down my back while my stomach was feeling uneasy. I really hope this is just nerves because I don't want anything to mess up opening night.

I continued to get ready slowly, showering, getting dressed, and attempting to eat as I don't really have much of an appetite before heading to the airport for me to fly to Killarney. As I was walking in the airport, there was loads of fans there with cute adorable posters. I stopped a bit and took some photos and chatted before security ushered me to the door so I could get onto my flight. I waved bye as I left. It became a struggle as I was walking, having a hard time catching my breath. I thought it was from just the rush of the busy airport so I didn't think much of it.

Once I arrived, my symptoms only seemed to be getting worse so I told everyone I needed to stop and pick up some throat drops, even if I'm really looking for other things to help relieve these symptoms.  They were all confused and wondering if I was alright, I let them know it was me being cautious. 

I walked in by myself as I was going to be quick and looked at all the medicine to see if any would help ease my symptoms.  I found a couple things also grabbing the throat drops before going up to pay.  Once back in the van we where off to the hotel.  The band was staying in pairs, while I was alone.  It use to happen that way when we were five members, one always was left up to ourselves but I loved it when we stayed on the tour bus because no one got left out.  I was actually happy now to have a room to myself because of how I'm feeling, didn't want to let anyone know I'm getting sick maybe and to avoid them getting sick. 

I got settled in with everything laid out, including the medicine I just bought.  I read the instructions before taking some and got ready for rehearsals the last time before I did the sound check for the fans, being I'm letting them have an insight of what life is like before the actual show.  The lads were waiting for me downstairs before heading to the venue.  They were all giving me looks but I didn't let on anything, I just tried to act normal as I could.

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