Love Over Pride

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Sivagami closed her eyes as she felt the emotional turmoil within her. A part of her was telling her to let Baahu marry Devasena and become King. Another part of her wanted to give both of them up and crown Bhalla the King.

But what would she choose? Love or Pride?

The battle raged within her as the entire kingdom waited for her decision with bated breath.

Everyone stood up straighter as they saw her open her eyes and come to a decision.

"On an auspicious date after your coronation, Baahu, you will marry Princess Devasena from Kunthala." Sivagami announced.

Instantly, she knew her decision was right as Amarendra and Devasena beamed at her and touched her feet amidst the cheers of the people. And Kattappa's nod just reinforced her decision.

"What is the meaning of this, Sivagami?!" Her husband, Bijjaladev yelled angrily. "Both, throne and girl are given to him! What about my son?!"

Sivagami made to answer him, but her husband continued ranting

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Sivagami made to answer him, but her husband continued ranting.

"Again this has happened! Injustice to my son! This is about the thousandth time I and my son are wishing that I had killed you when you took that-" Bijjaladev stopped speaking as guards and Kattappa closed in on him and Bhallaldev with swords drawn.

"Again this has happened! Injustice to my son! This is about the thousandth time I and my son are wishing that I had killed you when you took that-" Bijjaladev stopped speaking as guards and Kattappa closed in on him and Bhallaldev with swords drawn

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Kattappa had once overheard Bijjaladev making plots to kill Sivagami and Bahubali, but this was evidence enough, having admitted it in front of everyone.

Sivagami became shocked. Her own son and husband wanted to kill her?

But she regained her composure and ordered Bijjaladev and Bhallaldev to be hanged in front of the public by nightfall.

But Bhallaldev wasn't going to go down without a fight and made to attack Sivagami, but Amarendra and Kattappa stood in front of Sivagami with their swords drawn as Sivagami stood up.

But Bhallaldev wasn't going to go down without a fight and made to attack Sivagami, but Amarendra and Kattappa stood in front of Sivagami with their swords drawn as Sivagami stood up

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After a few clashes of swords, Kattappa beheaded Bhallaldev. Bhallaldev's head fell at Devasena's feet and his body fell towards his mother.

The people of the kingdom were silent, quite shocked by the turn of events.

Sivagami spoke as if nothing of big concern happened at all. "We will meet tonight for the hanging of Bijjaladev. The king's coronation will remain the same and the marriage the very next day after the coronation!" She announced as the public snapped out of their stupor and roared their approval.

Author's note: Ok, maybe I didn't do much justice to this chapter... I'll do a much better job next chapter! But I hope you all like it!

Comments please!

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