A Yogfamily (Adopted by Yogscast Fanfic)

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Author's notes.
This is just another Adopted by Yogscast story but I swear that it's different. This is Yumi and my partners in crime, Kyo and Echo. Kyoko's wattpad is KyokoSora so do check it out too~ like and review~

I stood in the darkness of my room, staring at the dull light that my cell phone was emitting. I was too excited to sleep. How could I possibly stop to rest when I was almost done with writing a ten page essay begging the Yogscast to visit Singapore? I was even sending them an agenda that I made of places they could visit, websites for venues where they could have a YogCon and I've been saving up for the last year to subsidize them about 20% of the fees. It's really crazy to think of the amount of money I had stashed up hidden inside a "Rythian" notebook. I mean, yeah, I had to skip lunch and skim for a year but.. I FINALLY SAVED UP ENOUGH.

I could only hope that they would accept my "proposal" of having a YogCon here and stay a few days extra. I tried to make it seem as professional as I could, stealing templates from online and stuff. Taking a deep breath, I began sending the email, closed my eyes and waited for the phone to go "ding" and notify me that the email was sent. About a minute later, the sound finally came, followed by another to say that I had received an email.

I almost jumped up, quickly looking at my phone only to laugh at my silliness. I forgot about the auto-reply that the Yogscast email had as long as an image had been emailed. Nervous, anxious but absolutely exhausted, I decided to go to sleep and check for any replies the next morning. I had high hopes for this "proposal" to work but I didn't want to get my hopes too high up...

My eyes briefly scanned over my emails, stopping finally at the section for sent mail. It's been almost two months since I've sent that email and I even sent it another three times or so. I was starting to doubt the efficiency of whoever was reading the emails that I sent. Or the persuasiveness of my own email. I was even starting to wonder if turps or Minty had a bad history with Singapore and didn't wanted to come. I was convinced that at least Kim would have wanted to come but... I guess not. Rolling on my bed, I stuffed my head into my pillow for a moment, finally looking back at my phone when it went 'ding'. I glanced through the few emails when one finally caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat.

"Yogscast. Re. YogCon in Singapore proposal."

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