Adopted Chap - 6

902 34 9

Author's notes

Yumi back here again~ Oh yeah, I'm starting another Yogfic soon so do check it out! Its called Overriding the Past. XD

They soon arrived at a street with buildings of offices and shopping stores and stopped in front of a building. Yumi was definitely excited. Finally she was going to see the place where all the magic happened. She was standing in front of, Yogtowers. They arrived at a level that looked only too familiar for a place she had never been to. A long corridor from one end to the other, door after door lined up along each side. Their little group walked slowly, allowing Yumi to have time to look around. The first door they came to appeared empty and had a few drawings pasted on. One of which was of the Sipsco dirt factory. Sjin quickly stood forward and looked at Yumi nervously.

"It's my room. Nothing much though.."

Yumi nodded and continued walking forward but still took her chance to peek through the small window in the door. The sight of a toy horse sitting on a shelf soon got her jumping up and down.


Everyone burst into laughter as Yumi twirled around in excitement. Sjin was just shaking his head.

"Of course thats what you notice. I don't even know what I was expecting!"

They then continued walking towards the next room. Hannah was leading them this time and she stopped in front of the door.

"The studio where the guys work on their music and sounds for their videos." Hannah explained.

Yumi quickly stole another peek into that room, tiptoe-ing to do so and grinning when she saw Parv just sleeping on one of the chairs, hugging his guitar. Hannah shook her head at the scene.

"Parv always falls asleep in Yogtowers. The rest of his band don't let him sleep much. Still, he gets.. most of the work done."

Yumi smiled and waved at the sleeping Parv.

"Parvua Parv~"

Yumi skipped forward to the next room to see another room that was unlighted. This room wasn't hard to recognize. Seriously, there had to be at least a few dozen Mr Owls in there. Yumi gave Hannah a quick glance and Hannah grinned.

"My office. Though you'll be using this room AND Lewis' office for now until we get you your own."

Yumi's eyes then widened. A lot.

"My own room? Here?"

Kim then suddenly hugged Yumi from behind.

"Yep. Don't worry. Mark gets everything done. Sometimes even when its not his job. Turps i mean." Kim added on at the back when she say my confused look.

Yumi nodded excitedly and they continued on their journey.

"This is the PlayStation Access room. Cool guys. I worked for them for a while before joining the Yogscast." Kim said with a smile as she nodded towards the room.

Yumi took a look inside and saw a few people whom she could not recognize. Guess she really needed catch up on what the Yogscast were doing more often. They walked to the next room. Yumi peeked in to see Duncan editing some videos. The recording light was off. Yumi opened the door and ran to Duncan.


Duncan looked over in surprise until he saw her. Laughing he stood up and swung Yumi around the room once.


They then somehow both ended up on the floor laughing. Yumi pulled out her phone.

"Epic selfie with Dunc time!"

They pulled Hannah, Kim and Sjin into the picture, quickly taking a few pictures. When they were finally done, Yumi slowly stood up from the ground.

"Thanks Dunc. I missed yah."

Duncan stood up with a laugh, he was so taller than Yumi he basically towered over her. Duncan ruffled her hair slightly.

"Yea, me too."

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