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Please vote? Comment? I'm sorry for the short chapter. XD I'll try and get another chapter up in a few days.

The show had started but Kim and Duncan still hadn't returned. Lewis tried not to overthink but Hannah was obviously worried. Simon did an amazing job of keeping the atmosphere light and fun for their audience, making up for all the silence with his random stories and answering questions. Suddenly Kim ran on stage. Which was surprising considering she was considered the most prottesh video producer. Kim shook her head and looked a mess while Duncan was trying to calm her down.

"Hannah I can't find her anywhere. I heard a scream. Her scream but I couldn't find her!!"

Lewis stood up with a start as a mumble ran across the crowd. Duncan quickly stood up.

"Erm. So our new member which most of you already know, Yumi is currently unable to attend this due to personal reasons and we are afraid that we will have to leave now too."

Another loud protest ran through the crowd as some of them stood up. Lewis and Duncan looked at each other, trying to figure out what was the best next move. Simon had no such problem as he stood up and faced the crowd.

"Shut up and listen you fuckers. We have a problem at hand. We will update you soon but unless we go now, someone could die. Any thing else I need to say and deter us from what we need to do?"

Lewis shrugged. He was used to Simon's way of solving stuff and it usually worked so he simply ran off the stage as everyone began to search for the missing girl. Some of the fans who realized what had happened also took to helping them. Still, to not disappoint all the fans, Sips was called up to imprompt livestream something for those who still wanted to stay.

A frantic search for the girl began while on the other side of the story, things were better but heading towards the same path.

Ethan threw me a scissors and I swallowed. I knew what he meant. I squeezed my eyes shut as I cut my hair to an even shorter length. I was dismayed as the pile of blue on the ground but for now, I knew I simply had to follow Ethan.

We were in a small apartment that was on shopping street. I could see a few pubs nearby among other shops that didn't stand out as much. Ethan plopped himself down on the ground tiredly and I did the same. A familiar, uncomfortable feeling was clinging to me but I ignored it as Ethan gave me a huge hug. I returned the gesture and smiled as he just rolled on the floor. He closed both eyes and seemed peaceful when he suddenly opened one of his eyes and grinned.

"Don't just stare at me! Sleep."

I nodded as I found a corner of the room. It hurt slightly but I would survive. It wasn't the first time I over ran anyways. Hugging my knees, I tried to fall asleep and not think about the people I knew would be looking for me. I didn't want to think about it but I knew that I would have to chose between them if I didn't want Ethan to be sent to a home again.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty room and a note on the floor that said that Ethan had left for work. He told me not to go out.

I looked around the empty room again. There was only a table and a lot of mess lying around. A bathroom stood near the door but that seemed to be the whole place. Slowly, I pushed opened the door and peeked out. Even my phone wasn't with me so perhaps I could find someone who could lend me a few coins and make a call? I still wanted to let them know I was okay.

Gently, I closed the door behind me and found myself at back alley of some almost deserted area. I walked around quickly, trying to keep out of sight. Nearby, I could see a convenience store. Maybe... ? I quickly found my way inside to see the shop attendant, a tall male with tattoos running down the sides of his arm, staring at his phone.

He looked at me curiously and placed down his phone when I suddenly found myself pulled backwards. Ethan was staring at me and he looked angry. I swallowed as he half dragged me back to the room and had thrown me slightly into the room. I landed on the floor but ignored the shot of pain.


I looked at the ground silently, feeling every bit like the scared kid I was. He saw my actions and his expressions softened.

"The people who you were staying with are searching for you. They somehow managed to get over a few hundred thousand people to be on the look out for you so you need to be careful!"

I nodded. A few hundred thousand people? Thats.. but.... I looked around me again. I missed everyone. I missed being able to run around freely, being able to go online and watch a few videos, maybe even record a few with some of the other Yogscast members. Was this really what I wanted..? But... what about Ethan then?

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